“Singing methods for working with women's soprano voices”


  • Liana Vardges Vardanyan Yerevan State Conservatory


soprano, vocal and methodical principles, impedance (resistance) breath, bel canto (beautiful singing), melodiousness (cantilena), bound (legato), Armenian music, diction, filing, trill, motion (technique), staccato, arpeggio


Soloist, Pedagogue of YSC Lianna Vardges Vardanyan.- “Singing methods for working with women's sopranovoices”.In the article, the author presents the varieties ofsoprano voice and the works which has been done with them.In the article, the author presented examples of vocalmethodological presentations and exercises used in the workwith students, which contribute to the right voice setup andvocal technique development. Examples of Armenian spiritualmusic and Komitas' songs are also used as methodologicalrecommendations.  

Author Biography

Liana Vardges Vardanyan, Yerevan State Conservatory

(Was born on the 11.8.1971, in Yerevan). In 1988 she graduatedfrom No. 83 ten-year comprehensive school. In 1987 graduated from musical school No. 17 “Protection of children voices”.In 1995 graduated from the vocal department of YSC, class of Professor A. M. Sarajeva. In 1996, she got a postgraduatedegree at YSC, as an external student. In 1993, she participated in the first Republican vocal competition after A. Isahakyanand received the title of laureate. In 1996 received the title of laureate from "The first Armenian and Austro-German musical vocal competition". From to 1995 to 1999 she has been a soloist of the Armenian State Philharmonic Hall. From 2002, tothe present day she has been working at Yerevan State musical college after R. Meliqyan, as a pedagogue of classicalvocal. In the same year (2002) she entered the vocal faculty of YSC as an assistant in the class of Professor A. Sarajevaand since 2005 - as the vocal department pedagogue. Since her student years till now she's been leading an active concertactivity. Had many solo concerts in Armenia invited by French, British, German, Georgian and Russian embassies. To the125th anniversary of Komitas she performed all the female roles of unfinished "Anoush" and "Sasma Tsrer" operas. Then ineach anniversary of Komitas, she performed with a solo program of his works. She also sang the part of "Anoush" in theconcert performance of the "Anoush" opera, written by A. Tigranyan. She is the first performer of the Ukranian vocal cycle,written for soprano by A. Spendiaryan, as well as vocal quartets. She has a large repertoire of Western - European music- vocal cycles and solo compositions. She's also one of the first performers of vocal ensembles of Schumann and Brahmsin Armenia. She performed concerts with the State radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Maestro Ohan Duryan. Duringthe years of teaching, 10 best students were awarded the title of laureate at various competitions and contest-festivals.  



How to Cite

Vardanyan Л. В. (2018). “Singing methods for working with women’s soprano voices”. Musical Armenia, 2(55), 23–28. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/102