“Hugo Riman about piano playing”


  • Vyacheslav Arshavi Edigaryan Abovian Pedagogical University


Hugo Riemann, piano, training technique, history of piano art


PhD Candidate, Docient îf ASPU after Khachatur Abovyan Vyacheslav A. Yedigaryan. - “Hugo Riman about piano playing”. V. Edigaryan's article is devoted to the views of an outstanding German musicologist Hugo Riemann on piano pedagogics and his book "Catechism of piano playing". The article's author especially focuses on questions that remain of great importance nowadays.  

Author Biography

Vyacheslav Arshavi Edigaryan, Abovian Pedagogical University

(b. in 1947, Baku). In 1970 graduated with honors from piano faculty of BSC after Uzeir Hadzhibekov. From 1970 to 1974 worked in the Sumgayit musical school as the curator of piano department. In 1974 have moved to Yerevan and has been admitted on a competition to a position of the senior pedagogue in ASPU after Khachatur Abovyan. In 2004 in Academy of Sciences has defended the dissertation "Piano creativity of Alexander Harutyunyan". He is PhD Candidate, Docent (2005). From 2009 to 2012 has been curator of department of ASPU after Khachatur Abovyan. Among scientific works: the book "Methodology of Piano Teaching" (1999), the monograph "Piano Creativity of Alexander Harutyunyan" (2011), over twenty articles in scientific journals and the periodical press. He acted both in solo, and in combined concerts. In the performing repertoire such compositions as 24 preludes, the Ballad (f-moll), As-dur Polonaise Chopin's, the Sonata (h-moll) and Mefisto-wals Liszt, the Third concert, Rachmaninov's Etudes-Picture, Sarkazms of Prokofiev, “Three musical pictures”, the Rhapsody "Our Old Songs" of A. Harutyunyan are selected. In a bachelor degree and a magistracy have prepared over hundred graduates among whom there are two winners of the international competitions.  



How to Cite

Edigaryan В. А. (2018). “Hugo Riman about piano playing”. Musical Armenia, 2(55), 77–80. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/135