“Features of the psychological impact of music”


  • Wilyam Misak Halajyan


PhD of the Department of Management Psychology at the State Academy of Management of RA Wilyam M. Halajyan. - “Features of the psychological impact of music”. The article presents an analysis of various scientific studies on the mechanisms of the psychological impact of music. Special attention is paid to the regulatory aspects of musical influences on mood, emotions and human well-being. Presented as well the results of the author's research, which show that calm music weakens the mental stress of a person, contributes to a sense of relaxation, silence and maintains good health and mood.  

Author Biography

Wilyam Misak Halajyan ,

(born 01.01.1993, Yerevan). Graduated from YSC Departmentof Oriental Studies, Arabic Studies, Bachelor's Degree (Head, PhD Doctor of History, A. Gasparyan), in 2016International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, Deparment of Oriental Studies, Master's Degree in ArabicStudies (Head PhD Doctor, Docent R. Miraqyan). From 2016 to 2019 has studed and got a PhD degree at theDepartment of Management Psychology (Head Rector of the RA Public Administration Academy, PhD Doctor ofPsychological Sciences A. Loqyan). The topic of the thesis is "The effectiveness of the audio-visual effects of thepublic servant's mental functionality". He is the author of 5 scientific articles (in 3 languages Armenian, English,Russian), author in the materials of the conference, XII International scientific-practical conference /"High School:Experiance, Problems, Perspectives", RF, 2019, p. 213-215, Public Administration, 2018, ¹3-4, p. 223-228, //ModernPsychology, ¹1, 2018, p. -68, //Modern Psychology, No. 1, 2019, p. 26-31, //International Journal of EngineeringTechnologies and Management Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2019. /https://rspublication.com/ijst/ARCHIVE. html.He has done research in 4 stages, which aims to find out the impact of music on the ability of civilservants' work and activate mental processes.  



How to Cite

Halajyan Վ. Մ. (2018). “Features of the psychological impact of music”. Musical Armenia, 2(55), 89–92. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/140