“Some manifestations of national features in piano works of Komitas”
Pianist, concertmaster, pedagogue of YSC Zaruhi David Ghazaryan. - “Some manifestations of national features in piano works of Komitas”. In the article the author considers the role and importance of Komitas as a composer and specifically analyzes his piano works, based on the editions of Komitas’s “Dances” in 1925 in Paris, further - in the 6th volume of the Complete Collection of Works published in 1982 in Yerevan. In addition to “Dances” the author analyzes “Children’s Play” composed in Constantinople in 1912- 1913. A comparative analysis is also given with the creative approach to writing works for children by B. Bartock (“3 small polyphonic cycles” with some plays from the cycle “Microcosmos”, “Children's Play”- with the cycle”Children”).
Անահիտ հանդես, Փարիզ, 1907 թ., N 1-2։ /Anahit handes, Pariz, 1907 th, N 1-2.
Կոմիտաս, Երկերի ժողովածու, 6-րդ հատոր, (Առաջաμան` Ռ. Աթայան), Եր., Սովետական գրող, 1982 թ.։Komitas, Yerkeri jvoghvovatsu, 6-rd hator, (Ar’ajaban` R.Atayan, Yer., Svovetakan grvogh, 1982 th
Ույֆալուշ Յ., Բելա Բարտոկ, Բուդապեշտ, 1971 թ.:Uyfalush Y., Bela Bartok, Budapesht, 1971 th.