“Gevorg Armenyan (100th anniversary of the birth)”


  • Aida Georgi Baghdasaryan Yerevan State Conservatory


Armenyan, Tbilisi, The Great Patriotic War, Flute Concerto, organology, choral score writing


Pianist, pedagogue at the YSC Aida Georgi Baghdasaryan. - “Gevorg Armenyan (100th anniversary of the birth)”. The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gevorg Armenyan, a prominent Armenian composer. The article reviews Armenyan's life and creative work achievements. The material is presented in a narrative style. The author reveals the image of Armenyan as a composer, educator-humanist, public figure, and multi-talented personality.  

Author Biography

Aida Georgi Baghdasaryan, Yerevan State Conservatory

(b. 1956 in Krasnodar). In 1977 she was admitted at the Komitas State Yerevan Conservatory, prof. Yuri Hayrapetyan's class. Upon graduation in 1982 she started working as an accompanist and later on as a pedagogue at the Chamber Ensemble Department at YSC, where she currently works. A. Baghdasaryan performs on stage as a member of various chamber ensembles. As an accompanist she has participated in Republican and International Violin Competitions, such as the First International Yampolsky Competition (Dubna, 1996) and the First Republican Khachaturyan Competition (Yerevan, 1997). In September, 2019 became the prize winner in the Chamber Ensemble category at the Heirs of Orpheus International Competition in Albena, Bulgaria.  


Личный архив Г. Арменяна. Lichnyj arkhiv G. Armenyana.2. //Советакан Айастан., 19.10 1949.//Sovetakan Ajastan.,19.10.1949.

Гилина Е., Вокально-симфоническая музыка., /Музыкальная культура Арм.ССР., М.: Музыка., 1985.- 400 с. Gilina E., Vokal’no-simfonicheskaya muzyka., /Muzykal’naya kultura Arm.SSR., M.:Muzyka.,1985.- 400 s.

Григорян К. G., Геворк Арменян (на арм. языке)., Ер.:Ар мян ское театральное общество., 1981.-108 с.Grigoryan K. G., Gevork Armenyan (na arm yazyke)., Yer.:Armyanskoe teatral’naya obshchestvo.,1981. - 108 s.

Тигранов Г. Г.,Оперное и балетное творчество.,/Музыкаль ная культура Арм.ССР., М.:Музыка.,1985.- 400 с.Opernoe i baletnoe tvorchestvo.,/Muzykal’naya kul’turaArm.SSR., M.:Muzyka.,1985.-400s.

Коммунист, # 184, 06.08.1958. //Kommunist, #184,06.08.1958.

Арменян Г. А., Основы инструментоведения., Ер.: Амроц груп., (на арм. языке)., 2012.— 320 с.Armenyan G. A.,Osnovy instrumentovedeniya., (na arm yazyke)., Yer., 2012.- 320 s.



How to Cite

Baghdasaryan А. Г. (2020). “Gevorg Armenyan (100th anniversary of the birth)”. Musical Armenia, 1(58), 11–18. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/164