“The Nart Saga as the Source of the Abkhaz Musical Culture”


  • Nodar Viktorovich Chanba


Abkhazian wedding, “The Nart Saga”, the musical culture of the Abkhazians, refrin-words, solo-choral songs.


PhD Condidate, Professor, Corresponding member Academic of the International Academy of Sciences “Ararat” of Paris, Leading Researcher at the Center for Comprehensive Art Research (Saratov, Russia), Chanba Nodar Victor. - “The Nart Saga as the Source of the Abkhaz Musical Culture”. Reading through the "musical" pages of the "Nart Saga", one is convinced that since ancient times music has been an integral part of human life. We learn about the genesis of music and its presence in people's lives. The true value of the "Nart Saga" is that it is an inexhaustible source of the fundamental principles of the philosophy and musical culture of the Abkhaz people. In conclusion, I suggest we return to "Azar" memorial song, generally regarded as an attribute of the memorial ceremony, performed, in particular, during the races held as the commemoration of the deceased man, where mental relaxation was not allowed. Therefore, the song about the horse named Azar is more of a heroic than a mourning character. The song consists of two contrasting parts; it starts with the expressive solo introduction of improvisational character followed by epic and stately three-part male choral chorus. Like many songs, "Azar" is sung with refrain words. Untranslatable refrains or minimal text component of the song naturally gives the melody a leading role. Also, I would like to mention, that according to Nart Saga "Azar" was created by two heroic women - Gunda and Khanda.  

Author Biography

Nodar Viktorovich Chanba ,

 Ph.D. in Art History, Corresponding Member of the Paris International Academy of Sciences "Ararat", Leading Researcher at the Center for Comprehensive Art Research (Saratov). People's Artist of the Republic of Abkhazia, musical researcher, composer, conductor (speaks Abkhazian, Russian, English and French). He graduated from the Moscow Tchaikovsky State Conservatory (choral conducting - Prof. V. I. Krasnoshchikov, opera and symphonic conducting - M. F. Ermler), trained by G. Rilling (Germany). In composition, he studied with K. A. Chengelia and L. V. Chepelyansky (Abkhazia), M. N. Simansky (Saratov), A. S. Lehman (Moscow). Scientific publications: - Features of the heroic songs of the Abkhazians //Theater, painting, film, music. - M., 2011, ¹ 2. p. 170-192. - Three hypostases of the heroic in the musical folklore of the Abkhaz (song trilogy: "Ozbak", "Song of the Rock", "Song of the Wounded") //Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. - 2013. ¹ 9, Part II. p. 205-213. - Musical-poetic model of the Abkhaz heroic song and its kinship with the music of other peoples of the Caucasus //Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art criticism. - 2013. ¹ 11 (37): in 2 hours. Part I. p. 177-186. - The antiquity and the youth of Abkhaz music. Musical life. - M., 1982. ¹12. p. 9-10. - About Nart songs //Apsny akazara (Art of Abkhazia), ¹ 3. - Sukhum, 1983. p. 10-11. - Current trends in the arrangement of folk songs for the academic choir //Choral performance. Collection of works 182 /RAM them. Gnesinyh. - M., 2011. p. 57-70. - The heroic choral song of the Abkhaz: Monograph. - Sukhum: State Publishing House of the Republic of Abkhazia, 2014. 130 p. and etc. Major compositions: ballet "Jesus" (premiere 2010, National Theater of the Republic of Korea, Seoul); ballet "Pinocchio" (premiere 2018, Serbian National Theater); symphonic poems, symphonic picture "Memoirs"; "Poem" for cello, soprano, tenor, choir and organ; oratorio "Isaiah"; arrangements of Abkhazian folk songs; compositions for piano and other instruments. Performing activities: State Choir of Abkhazia - Artistic director and Principal conductor; Korean Philharmonic Orchestra - Chief conductor; Daegu Catholic University (South Korea) - Conductor, professor of the orchestra department; Seoul University of Sang-Myong (South Korea) - Conductor, professor the orchestral faculty; at present - The General Director of the Abkhaz State Drama Theater named after Samson Chanba.Performed with: State Symphony Orchestra of Abkhazia; Bach-Collegium Orchestra; Korean Philharmonic Orchestra; Korean Symphony; Prime Philharmonic Orchestra; State Choir of Abkhazia; Gahinger Kantorei (Germany); National Chorus of South Korea; Seoul Metropolitan Choir, etc. Opera performances: "Eugene Onegin" (Art's Centre, Seoul, South Korea), "L'elisir d'amore" (Sang-Myong (Seoul, South Korea).  


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How to Cite

Chanba Н. В. (2019). “The Nart Saga as the Source of the Abkhaz Musical Culture”. Musical Armenia, 1(58), 54–58. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/174