“Zaven Ghevond Vardanyan”
: Zaven Ghevond Vardanyan, musicologist, pedagogue, Dosent YSCAbstract
Docent at YSC, Ph. D. in Arts Tovmasyan Valentin Khachatur. - “Zaven Ghevond Vardanyan”. The article is devoted to the life and, above all, to the activities of Zaven Vardanyan (1908-2008), prominent Armenian clarinetist, musicologist and theorist, pedagogue, state and public figure, First Prize winner at the All-Union Competition of Music Performers (1935), Docent at the Yerevan State Conservatory, Honored Artist of Armenian SSR (1940).
Биографический словарь музыкантов-исполнителей на духовых инструментах., (Сост. С. Болотин)., М.-Л., 1965,-140. Biograficheskij slovar muzykantov-ispolnitelej nadukhovykh instrumentakh., (Sost. S. Bolotin)., M.-L., 1965.,- 140
Բուդաղյան Ա. Գ., Զավեն Վարդանյան, (ռուս. լեզվով), Եր.,Կռունկ, 2013 թ.։ Budaghyan A. G., Zaven Vardanyan, (rus.lezvov), Yer., Krunk, 2013 th.
Красная газета., Ленинград, 4 марта, 1935. //Krasnaya gazeta., Leningrad, 4 marta, 1935.