“Book of Nikoghos Tahmizian “Sayat Nova”


  • Grigor Petros Pitetjian Yerevan State Conservatory


Sayat Nova, Stepanos, Anna, Tiflis, Ashug school, Nikoghos Tagmizyan, life and work, priest, king, songs


Musicologist, Honorary Professor of YSC Grigor Petros Pitedjyan (New York, USA). - “Book of Nikoghos Tahmizian “Sayat Nova””. The author is a well-known medievalist and expert of Armenian church music with love and thorough studies the book of PhD Doctor of Art, Professor of YSC Nikoghos Tahmizian ''Sayat Nova '', explores and analyzes major work in chapters. At the same time author presents Armenian Gusan-Ashug art at the top of which still remains the great singer of love and beautiful professional folk music Sayat Nova. All titles of contents in the book were distributed by Pitedjyan into chapters and this article consists of 4 chapters in the journal and the continuation follows in the next issue. The author presents a descriptive method of analysis while also assessing significant conclusions characterizing the work as a high contribution to Armenian musicology.



How to Cite

Pitetjian Գ. Պ. (2020). “Book of Nikoghos Tahmizian “Sayat Nova”. Musical Armenia, 1(58), 64–67. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/176