”The specifics of the musical language of the folk-professional gusan art”


  • Armine Ashot Hakobyan Abovian Pedagogical University


Akna Shar, H. Janikyan, Q. Qushnaryan, R. Atayan, Komitas, gusan art, folklor


Candidate PhD., pedagogue ASPU after Kh. Abovyan Armine Ashot Hakobyan. - ”The specifics of the musical language of the folk-professional gusan art”. In contemporary musicology there are still some uncovered questions concerning the creative heritage of medieval poets- musicians, gusans. These facts put obstacles in finding the tracks of gusan art. The existing materials, which belong to gusan art, are mixed with other branches of Armenian monodia, appearing as patterns of folklor, ashugh and tagh art, etc. Specialists (H. Janikyan, Q. Qushnaryan, R. Atayan, N. Tahmizyan, A. Qocharyan) consider Komitas’ “Akna Shar” songs as patterns of medieval gusan art. The analysis of “Akna Shar” shows that these songs refer to professional music and are out of folk thinking. They belong to the creative heritage of medieval poetmusicians or minstrels gusans.  

Author Biography

Armine Ashot Hakobyan, Abovian Pedagogical University

Academic credentials canditate of PhD, 1997-2001 - student of Yerevan State music college after R. Meliqyan. 2001-2006 - student of Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas, department “Muzikology”. 2006-2009- aspirant of Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas, department “Muzikology”. Work experience Since 2006 – Yerevan Arno Babajamyan state musical-pedagogical colleje. Since 2017- Armenian state pedagogical university after Khachatur Abovyan.  


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How to Cite

Hakobyan Ա. Ա. (2020). ”The specifics of the musical language of the folk-professional gusan art”. Musical Armenia, 1(58), 72–75. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/179