“Shahnameh” by Ferdowsi in Iranian Professional Music
“Shahnameh”, Armenian composers living in Iran, Iranian Professional MusicAbstract
Postgraduate Student at the NAS of Armenia Asghar Janabi Vahab. - “Shahnameh” by Ferdowsi in Iranian Professional Music. National epic, "Shahnameh" poem by Ferdowsi, plays a significant role in the cultural life of Iran. Since the twentieth century, the historical, heroic, and mythological plots of this epic monument have been reflected in Iranian professional music. The purpose of the article is to present the embodiment of "Shahnameh", expressed in various musical genres in the work of contemporary Iranian composers, as one of the most original way of rethinking the national culture. Musical works inspired by the lyrics of “Shahnameh” were also created by ethnic Armenian composers living in Iran - Ashot Patmagrian and Emmanuel Melik-Aslanian, as well as Loris Tjeknavorian, prominent composer and conductor. The article presents the genre and musical characteristics of the works under discussion.
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