“The Moscow festival. “Dedication to Viktor Merzhanov” (the 100th anniversary)”


  • Sofa Mateos Aznauryan


Viktor Merzhanov, Anahit Nersesyan, Moscow conservatory, festival


Composer, editor of YPC publishing house Sofa MateosAznauryan. - “The Moscow festival. “Dedication to ViktorMerzhanov” (the 100th anniversary)”.Concerts dedicated to the 100th anniversary of ViktorMerzhanov were held at the Moscow Conservatory fromSeptember 8 to 30, 2019. V. K. Merzhanov is a legendaryRussian pianist, People's Artist of the USSR, professor, head ofthe SCC professional piano chair (15.8.1919-20.12. 2012). Thelaureates of international competitions performed at the solemnopening of the "Great Teachers" festival. Honored Artist ofArmenia, YPC Professor Anahit Nersesyan participated in thework of the competition jury. On January 15, 2020, within theframework of the "Dedication to Viktor Merzhanov" festival, hegave a solo concert at the Rachmaninov Hall in Moscow. OnJanuary 18, 2020, the 3-rd concert of the festival took place inthe Great Hall of the SCC. The soloists-graduates of differentyears of Merjanov class and A. Nersesyan (Beethoven: 3-rdConcerto for Piano and Orchestra), Honored Artist of Russia,Professor Natalya Deeva (Rachmaninov: 2-nd Concerto for PianoOrchestra), Laureate of the III International Competition afterRachmaninov Associate Professor Sadakatsu Tschida, Japan(Rachmaninov: 3-rd Concerto for Piano and Orchestra).  

Author Biography

Sofa Mateos Aznauryan ,

(born 03.07.1959, Krasnodar) is the composer, the member of the Union of composers and the Union of journalists of Republic of Armenia. She graduated from the theoretical -composer office of the Krasnodar musical school after N. RimskyKorsakov (1978), composer faculty of YSC (a class of the prof. G. I. Eghiazaryan, 1983).She has the diploma at All-Union competition of young composers in Moscow for a vocal cycle on words of A. Movsisyan (performer Hsmik Papyan and author, 1982). Sofa taught theoretical disciplines at the Krasnodar Institute of culture and regional musical normal school. She is the editor of musical stereos programs (the Krasnodar Regional radio), the leader of chair of conducting (YSPU after Kh. Abovyan), vocal chairs (YSC), chairs of a vocal and scenic skill (The Yerevan institute of Theatre and cinema). She is the author of monooperas - "Hope" (Z. Gippius, 2004), "Hamlet" (W. Shakespeare, 2007), chamber opera "Armenia" (on verses and prose of O. and N. Mandelstam, 2005),which were presented in international theatrical and musical festivals; opera for children "Chikareli's Adventures" (R. Marukhyan, 2014). Since 2000 she has been the editor of "YSC Publishing Houses" and the “Musical Armenia” magazine. She. is the author of more than 30 articles in the republican press about outstanding figures of musical culture of Armenia (E. Mirzoyan, A. Harutyunyan, M. Tariverdiev, V. Balyan, Sh. Apoyan, V. Stamboltsyan, K. Saradzheva). She was awarded: UNESCO Medal for the 100th anniversary of A.I. Khachaturian, diplomas of the International Theater Festivals - “Hifest” (2005), “Armmono” (2007, 2017). Laureate of the Vahan Tekeyan International Prize (2019).



How to Cite

Aznauryan С. М. (2020). “The Moscow festival. “Dedication to Viktor Merzhanov” (the 100th anniversary)”. Musical Armenia, 1(58), 87–89. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/183