“Dedicated to the world the Arminan Song”
Komitas, Krasnodar, Armenia, Mandelshtam, Margarita Ivan Hovsepyan, Laureate of international competitions, prafessorAbstract
Vocalist, Docent of Krasnodar State Institute of CultureMargarita Ivan Hovsepyan. - “Dedicated to the world theArminan Song”.The author of the article presents “Komitas. MyArmenia”. Organized on December 6, 2019 in the small hallof the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture. The concertentitled "My Armenia" was performed by well-knownprofessors and soloists of the region and students. Komitas'smusic was presented with his songs in Armenian. and takenfrom selected samples of Russian poetry. From Mandelstam'sbook "Armenia" as centuries-old cultural symbolic ties.Excerpted from the mono opera of the same name, soundedperformed by M. Hovsepyan, the author of which is Armeniancomposer S. Aznauryan.