“Dedicated to the world the Arminan Song”


  • Margarita Ivan Hovsepian


Komitas, Krasnodar, Armenia, Mandelshtam, Margarita Ivan Hovsepyan, Laureate of international competitions, prafessor


Vocalist, Docent of Krasnodar State Institute of CultureMargarita Ivan Hovsepyan. - “Dedicated to the world theArminan Song”.The author of the article presents “Komitas. MyArmenia”. Organized on December 6, 2019 in the small hallof the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture. The concertentitled "My Armenia" was performed by well-knownprofessors and soloists of the region and students. Komitas'smusic was presented with his songs in Armenian. and takenfrom selected samples of Russian poetry. From Mandelstam'sbook "Armenia" as centuries-old cultural symbolic ties.Excerpted from the mono opera of the same name, soundedperformed by M. Hovsepyan, the author of which is Armeniancomposer S. Aznauryan.  

Author Biography

Margarita Ivan Hovsepian ,

laureate of international competitions, professor. Graduated withhonors from the vocal faculty of the Rostov State Conservatory after Rachmaninoff (1980). From 1977-1980 she was a soloistof the Rostov Philharmonic Society, from 1980-1985 a soloist of the Krasnodar and Adyghe Philharmonic Societies, 1985-1994the soloist of the State Academic Capella of Armenia and the A. Spendiaryan Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. From 1991-1993 post-graduate student of the vocal faculty of the EGC named after Komitas. From 1994-2003 lecturer at the department of solo singing at the YSC, since 2003 - associate professor, since 2011 - professor at the YSC. From September 2012to the present day, Associate Professor of the Department of Academic Singing and Opera Training of KGIK. She has touredin the USA, Europe, Asia, the republics of the USSR. Author of educational-methodical works: Reader of educationalmethodical repertoire for lyric and lyric-coloratura soprano, notebook 1., Yer., 2001; libretto of S. Aznauryan's mono-opera"Hope", Yer. 2004; articles: "Footprint for life", 2005, "Interaction of two cultures", 2007; "The meaning of the word in thecreation of a musical and artistic image", Yer., 2008; "Experience of work with lyric-coloratura soprano" Yer., 2009; "Vocalcycle by S. Slonimsky on the verses of A. Akhmatova and the method of working on it", Yer., 2010; "Life embodied in art"Yer., M., 2012; "Features of musical drama of chamber vocal music by M. Tariverdiev", 2013. Winner of the Grand Prix ofthe international competition "Musica classica", Moscow, Ruza, 2011, laureate of international competitions.   



How to Cite

Hovsepian М. И. (2020). “Dedicated to the world the Arminan Song”. Musical Armenia, 1(58), 90–92. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/184