“Hovhannes Tumanyan and Komitas: Personal and Creative contacts”


  • Margarita Mamikon Khachatryan Russian-Armenian University - RAU


Creative relations, Mariam Tumanyan, opera , letters, meetings, memoirs of contemporaries


Doctor of Philology, Professor of RAU MargaritaMamikon Khachatryan. - “Hovhannes Tumanyanand Komitas: Personal and Creative contacts”.Soghomon Soghomonyan, a Turkish speaking youngboy, remained in the history of our culture under theheartwarming name of Komitas, and HovhannesTumanyan, the greatest son of Lory became known asthe Poet of All Armenians. They were highly concernedabout the hardships the Armenian people went throughin the early 20th century and gave their all to thepeople and to the Armenian culture. Their creativerelationships began with writing "Mutn er erkingy"("The Sky Was Dark") romance and a well-known song"Kakavik" ("A Quale"), notated by Komitas, with thepoetic text adaptation by Tumanyan. Later on theybegan to work on the "Anush" opera, which even in itsunfinished version was not only of historical interest.Fortunately, the letters, the newspapers and thememories of the contemporaries present lots of evidenceregarding numerous interactions between those twogreat people. In the beginning of the 20th centuryTumanyan, Komitas, Commander Andranik togetherwith many other great Armenians became symbols ofinvincible Armenian spirit.They need our love and protection, especiallytoday as we are losing our ideals if only we are reallystriving to create the Golden Age.   

Author Biography

Margarita Mamikon Khachatryan, Russian-Armenian University - RAU

(b. 1955). Teacher of the Year of the RA(1993), Ph.D. in Philology (2002). Senior Researcher in M. Abeghyan Institute of Literature of the NAS of RA.Pedagogue courses on Armenian Language and Literature at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University. M.Khachatryan is the author of "Derenik Demirchyan's Satire" (2004) and "Literature of Hamastegh" (2004)research works. Thanks to M. Khachatryan's hard work the following books were published: "Hamastegh.Collection of Letters" (2003), "Hamastegh. Bibliographical Records" (2004), "Hamastegh. The Forgotten Pages"(Vols. 1-4, 2005-2007), "Aram Haykaz. Collection of Letters" (2009), "Aram Haykaz. The Forgotten Pages"(Vols. 1-7, 2010-2016), "Aram Haykaz. A Living Tree. Collection of Stories" (2012), "Hamastegh. The Dawn"(2017).   


Բադիկյան Խ. Գ., Կոմիտասն ինչպիսին եղել է, Եր.,2002 թ.։ Badikyan Kh. G., Komitasn inchpisin eghel ej.,Yer., 2002 th.

Կոմիտաս, Նամակներ, Եր., 2007 թ.։ Komitas.,Namakner., Yer., 2007 th.

Հովհաննես Թումանյանը ժամանակակիցների հուշերում,ՀԽՍՀ ԳԱ հրատ., 1969 թ.։ /Hovhannes Thumanyan’zhamanakakitzneri husherum., HKhSH GA hrat.,1969 th.

Կեանք և արուեստ., Փարիզ, 1938, թիվ 6։ /Keanq ev aruest., Pariz., 1938, thiv 6.

Անահիտ., Փարիզ, 1931, թիվ 1-2։ /Anahit., Pariz, 1931, tiv 1-2.



How to Cite

Khachatryan Մ. Մ. (2019). “Hovhannes Tumanyan and Komitas: Personal and Creative contacts”. Musical Armenia, 2(57), 4–10. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/186