History pages of YSC


  • David Garsevan Ghazaryan Yerevan State Conservatory


YSC, history, studio, rector, Romanos Melikyan, Arshak Adamyan, Samson Gasparyan, Konstantin Saradzev, Ghazaros Saryan, Edgar Hovhannisyan, Armen Smbatyan, Sergey Sarajyan, Shahen Shahinyan, David Ghazaryan


The author shows a contribution of YSC's rectors in historical section, in a formation and development of the first and the only higher education institution in Armenia conservatory. The actual material proves the value of activity of conservatory's authority for professional development and enrichment of the Armenian musical art.

Author Biography

David Garsevan Ghazaryan, Yerevan State Conservatory

chorus master, musical public figure. In 1970 with honors graduated from the YSC (a class of Prof. R. Mangasaryan) and in the same year begun teaching activity at the department of choral conducting. From 1995 to 2014 as a dean directed Vocal and theoretical faculty of YSC . Now he is the adviser of YSC rector. Since 1996 till today he is the chairman of AMC. For the contribution to a national musical art and for creative activity Gh. has been awarded by gold medals of the Ministry of Culture of RA, the Ministry of Education and Science of RA, city administration of Yerevan. In 2007 in Independence Day of Armenia on behalf of the President of RA he has been awarded by the medal "Movses Khorenatsi". Ghazaryan was over 40 years had been the organizer, the chairman of jury of republican and international musical festivals and competitions, about 15 years had been a member of the commission on award of the State award of Armenia in the nomination "Musical Art", and since 2011 he is the chairman of the above-named commission. Gh. is the author of numerous scientific and methodical works, and also the originator and the editor of musical collections of choral works. Special class of "Choral conducting" of Gh. was ended by over 60 chorus masters, 12 graduate student-trainees. Graduates of a special class of Gh. work with different collectives both in RA, and beyond its limits. Many graduates of a class of Gh. are prize-winners, laureates of various all-Union, republican and international competitions and festivals.


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Будагян А. Г., Ереванская государственная консер ватория имени Комитаса в фотографиях, документах и высказываниях., Eр.: Издательство ЕГК., 2008: Budagyan A. G., Yerevanskaya Gosudarstvennaya Konservatoria imeni Komitasa: V fotografiyakh, dokumen takh i vyskazyvaniyakh., Yer.: Izdatel’stvo EGK., 2008.



How to Cite

Garsevan Ghazaryan Դ. (2017). History pages of YSC. Musical Armenia, 2(53), 6–9. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/213