Systematization of mechanisms' activity attack of a singing sound


  • Anahit Sasha Gasparyan Abovian Pedagogical University


sound attacks, larynx, sing device, singing sound


The issues of singing sound attacks varieties in professional singing are observed in this article. The three kinds of sound attacks and laryngeal interacted mechanisms problems, which legitimacy is caused by the organization of the specific nature of these activities, are highlighted. Article is for a wide range of readers, the beginning vocal pedagogues, for the students who study in musical institutions, chorus masters and specialists who deal with the development of declamatory speech.

Author Biography

Anahit Sasha Gasparyan, Abovian Pedagogical University

(b.1952. Yerevan) In 1968 ended secondary school after Shahumyan, in 1987 graduated from YSC's vocal department (leader Professor T. K. Shakhnazaryan,V. Kolosaryan, M. H. Harutyunyan). She worked in health care sphere, in osteology, traumatology's institute clinical laboratory as a laboratory assistant (1969-1973). From 1987 to 1994 had been a soloist in YSC's opera studio. Since 1997 is a docent of the art education faculty of the department of music pedagogy in YSPU after Abovyan (2009).The author of the book “The formation of singing sound device and the questions of organization of its structure and development” Yer.: Zangak, 2003, - 53 P., and many pedagogical articles, about 10 scientif ic articles, “Women's sing device's features and health problems”, P. 345-352, /Banber of YSC methodological articles 8-9.1./2011-2012., Yer.:YSC Publishing House, 2013, - 364 P., Resonators of the singing voice device and muscles in interaction, //MusicalArmenia, 1 (52) 2017. P. 54-58.


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How to Cite

Gasparyan Ա. Ա. (Սաշայի). (2018). Systematization of mechanisms’ activity attack of a singing sound. Musical Armenia, 2(53), 14–17. Retrieved from