Two more Sonatas for a violoncello solo


  • Sergey Armen Smbatyan Yerevan State Conservatory


Sonata, solo compositions, violoncello, composer art, string instruments, Geguni Chitchyan, Sofa Aznauryan


The subject of the master's thesis of the article author is the works for string instruments solo. Two Sonatas for a violoncello solo of the leading Armenian composers Geguni Chitchyan and Sofa Aznauryan, the application of that has not been included into the thesis and that became a subject of this article. The author represents the chamber and tool works of these composers and also the concrete analysis, style and composite design features of Sonatas for a violoncello solo is given there.


Author Biography

Sergey Armen Smbatyan, Yerevan State Conservatory

(born 23.09.1987, Yerevan), conductor, violinist, PhD Candidate, (2009,"Stylistic peculiarities and their reference to the works of Armenian composers written for the 20th century's lyric poetry),Founder, Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia (2006). He graduated from MusicSchool after Tchaikovsky in Yerevan , with the profession of violin, laureate of international competitions (Japan, Russia).Graduated from Yerevan State Conservatory with the profession of symphonic conductor, violinist (Professors Y. H. Davtyan,B. S. Vardanyan's Classes) in 2009, and in 2011, Moscow State Conservatory after Tchaikovsky (Violin, Prof. SergeyKravchenko's class), London Royal Academy of Music in 2012. He has master classes at Zakhar Bron, Grigor Zhislin, RicardoMuti, Ruggiero Richchi and other world-famous musicians. In 2008 he has been invited by the symphonic orchestra of London Maestro Sir Colin Davis to have a master class . Smbatyan performed with the Mariinsky Theater Symphonic and the Moscow Philharmonic, Berlin Symphonic, Dresden Philharmonic, Warsaw Philharmonic, Munich Symphonic Orchestras and with others.In 2015 October with the Korean Chamber Orchestra, he performed at the "Carnegie Hall" concert hall in New York City. And in 2017 September, the Pan-Armenian Orchestra, led by S., performed at the prestigious "Gramophone" awards of classical music. He act with world-known musicians Pinchas Zukerman, Maxim Vengerov, Denis Matsuev, actor John Malkovich and others. S. is the founder of the Armenian Composers' Art and Khachaturian International Festivals, "The Independence Generation” Pan-Armenian Choir and Orchestra, the “24/04” World Orchestra and the UNICEF Children's Orchestra. He is an author of scientific and educational-methodological articles devoted to armenian and west European composers' string instruments' performance and composer's art. As well author in the "Musical Armenia" international journal, "Kantegh" and other scientific journals. 2015 The French Ministry of Culture and Communication awarded Smbatyan with the French Arts and Literature Order. For the successes in the field of culture in 2016, the President of the Republic of Armenia was awarded the title of Distinguished Artist of the Republic of Armenia. In 2015 The French Ministry of Culture and Communication awarded Smbatyan with the French Arts and Literature award. For the successes in the field of culture in 2016, the President of the Republic of Armenia was awarded the title of Distinguished Artist of the Republic of Armenia. For the successes in the field of culture in 2016, the President of the Republic of Armenia was awarded him with the title of Distinguished Artist of the Republic of Armenia. 


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How to Cite

Smbatyan Ս. Ա. (2024). Two more Sonatas for a violoncello solo. Musical Armenia, 2(53). Retrieved from