Regular voice adaptation


  • Armenuhi Seryozha Bazinyan Yerevan State Conservatory


range, impedance, mix, cover, register, falsetto, emission chronaxie


Soloist, Docent of YSC Armenuhi Seryozha Bazinyan.  “Regular voice adaptation”. The journalist considers abusive, physiological issues of men and women as a result of discussing voice registry features and their methodological issues, doing conclusions and suggesting lessons from their teaching experience.

Author Biography

Armenuhi Seryozha Bazinyan, Yerevan State Conservatory

(born 21.06.1972 in Yerevan). From 1989 to 1993 she graduated from Yerevan Musical school after R. Melikyan after Piano Department, from 1994 to 1999, she graduated from YSC the department of academic solo vocal with a specialization of opera and concert singer and from 1999 to 2001 got ended postgraduate studies. From 1999 to 2001 worked as an illustrator in the YSC concertmaster training department, From 2002 to 2003 worked as vocal teacher in Qanaqeravan art school , from 2003 works as an asistant in YSC's vocal department's 2nd chair from 2005 as a pedagogue. From 2006 jointly worked in Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Cinema as a lecturer and from 2014 in Jazz College.


М., Из истории вокального искусства., М.: Музыка., 1964. Lvov M., Iz istorii vokal’nogo iskuЯstva., M.: Muzyka., 1964.

Морозов В., Тайны вокальной речи., Л.: Наука., 1974. Morozov V., Tajny vokal’noj rechi., L.: Nauka., 1974.

Назаренко И., Искусство пения., М.: Музыка., 1968. Nazarenko I., IskuЯstvo peniya., M.: Muzyka., 1968.

Юссон Р., Певческий голос., М.: Музыка., 1974. YuЯson R., Pevcheskij golos., M.: Muzyka., 1974.



How to Cite

Bazinyan А. С. (2018). Regular voice adaptation. Musical Armenia, 1(54), 49–52. Retrieved from