“Сарьян-фест”: музыкальная живопись Лазаря Сарьяна


  • Михаил Артемович Кокжаев Yerevan State Conservatory


Concert life coverage. Composer, Professor of YSC, PhD Mikhail Artyom “Saryan-Fest: Ghayaros Saryan musical painting” article is dedicated to interpretation of the composer’s 90th birthday anniversary “Saryan-Fest” festival’s performances. The Philosophy and thinking of its time period expressed in music in Symphony, in “Pasakalia” and in other works, and also about the performances of composer’s symphonic music arts by YSSO and artistic director S.A. Smbatyan’s interpretations.

Author Biography

Михаил Артемович Кокжаев, Yerevan State Conservatory

Композитор, кандидат искусствоведения, профессор Ереванской государственной консерватории им.Комитаса



How to Cite

Артемович Кокжаев, М. (2010). “Сарьян-фест”: музыкальная живопись Лазаря Сарьяна. Musical Armenia, 4(39), 6–7. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/362