Парение духа красоты


  • Светлана Корюновна Саркисян Yerevan State Conservatory


about concert performances of the Doctor of Arts, Honored Character of RA, Professor Svtlana Koryun Sargsyan’s article “The flight of spirit of Beauty” dedicated to Lazar Saryan. Author explains in details the performance of State Chamber Orchestra of Armenia in the leadership of Aram Gharabekian, L.M. Saryan’s work dedicated to solo artist, The People’s Artist, E.Z. Tadevosyan “Andante & Presto”, as well as made in the concert Mozart’s 29th Symphony’s, T. Takecicu’s “Doriac Horizon”, R. Vagner’s “Zigfrid-pastoral” works.

Author Biography

Светлана Корюновна Саркисян, Yerevan State Conservatory

Доктор искусствоведения, заслуженный деятель искусств РА, профессор Ереванской государственной консерватории им.Комитаса



How to Cite

Корюновна Саркисян, С. (2010). Парение духа красоты. Musical Armenia, 4(39), 18–19. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/366