A Brief Overview of Aram Khachaturian’s Portraits


  • Artyom Gerasim Andreasyan Arno Babajanian International Memorial Foundation


120, creative and individual character, Armenian and Russian artists, paintings and graphic drawings, relations between the character's musical features and public activity


The present essay by Artyom Andreasyan, a graduate of the Department of Art History and Theory of the Faculty of History of YSU, summarizes the creative and personal image of Aram Khachaturian, as depicted in paintings and drawings by contemporary Armenian and Russian artists. The author describes the inseparability of the depicted character from various musical attributes, as well as the connection of his depicted image with his turbulent creative and social activity. This report was presented at the "Aram Khachaturian - 120" student scientific conference held at YSU on November 20, 2023.


Դրամբյան Ռ.Գ. Մարտիրոս Սարյան, Եր., ՛ՀՍՍՌ ԳԱ հրատ., 1960, 157 Էջ. Drambyan R.G. Martiros Saryan, Y6r., HSSR’ GA hrat., 1960, 157 ej.

Խաչատրյան Ա.Ի. Նամակներ (1928-1978), Եր., Սովետական գրող, 1983, 236 Էջ. Khachaturian A.I. Namakner (1928-1978), Yer., Sovetakan grogh, 1983, 236 ej.

http s://wwwsci.am/m/newsviewphp?id=557&arch=0&langid=1 (ստուգված Է 15.11.2023 թ.)

https://akhachaturianmuseum.am/ru/khachaturian/famous/portraits/ (ստուգված Է 15.11.2023 թ.)

http://tikhomirovycom/gallery/2355/ (ստուգված Է 15.11.2023 թ.)

https://karap.lv/2020/03/12/64223/ (ստուգված Է 15.11.2023 թ.)




How to Cite

Andreasyan, A. G. (2025). A Brief Overview of Aram Khachaturian’s Portraits. Musical Armenia, 2, 9–15. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/431


