The development of the Armenian Mekhitarist chant: transcribed materials and oral tradition


  • Lilit Alexsan Harutyunyan Komitas Museum-Institute and; Komitas State Conservatory


sacred chanting, Mekhitarist congregation, chorister, šarakan, Šaraknoc, oral tradition


After centuries of being passed on by oral tradition, the Mekhitarist traditional chanting was transcribed by Fr. Ghevond Talyan in the middle of the XX century. With the seven volumes of this Sharaknoc (Hymnary), the greater part of canonic sharakans (Hymns) have reached us, as well as some newly composed šarakans, which are specific for the region. Nevertheless, in practice we see that sacred music, even after being transcribed, continues being passed on via oral tradition. In my paper, I present a comparison of the Sharaknoc materials and the contemporary performances of spiritual music.

Author Biography

Lilit Alexsan Harutyunyan, Komitas Museum-Institute and; Komitas State Conservatory

Is a musicologist-medievalist, a researcher at the Komitas Museum-Institute and at the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan, Head of the Bibliography, Recording and Digitization Department at the Music Library. She undertook her postgraduate studies at the Yerevan conservatory under the supervision of prof. PhD Doctor Mher Navoyan. She defended her dissertation thesis on the Eight-Mode System in the Mekhitarist Chant of Armenian Sacred Music in 2018 at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA. Harutyunyan’s research focuses on the study of Armenian folk and sacred music.


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How to Cite

Harutyunyan Լ. Ա. (2020). The development of the Armenian Mekhitarist chant: transcribed materials and oral tradition. Musical Armenia, 2(59), 17–20. Retrieved from