"Life in Music. To the anniversary of Professor Willi Sarkisian."


  • Shushanik Hovhannes Babayan Yerevan State Conservatory


anniversary, educator, teacher, researcher, musician, Villi Sargsyan


Pianist, professor, teacher Shushanik Hovhannes Babayan. - "Life in Music. To the anniversary of Professor Willi Sarkisian." Professor Villi Sarkissian, Honored artist of Armenia, pianist, was one of those outstanding musicians who make up the glory of the Armenian piano school. The article presents the multifaceted musical activity of V. Sarkisian as a performer, researcher, artist, and pedagogue. The author emphasizes the educational orientation of his extensive musical activity, its connection with Armenian culture, and also highlights the features of his dedication, thus giving the creative activity of V. Sarkisian special importance and high significance. A more detailed version of the article is presented in the author's essay.

Author Biography

Shushanik Hovhannes Babayan, Yerevan State Conservatory

(born 15.11.1947, Yerevan). In 1972 graduated with honors from the Leningrad (Petersburg) Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (piano class of Professor N.N. Poznyakovskaya). 1972-1986 worked as a methodist in the Republican Methodical Office of the Ministry of Culture of Armenia. 1972-1975 - worked at the musical school named after A.A. Spendiarov. Since 1975 to this day - teacher (piano class) of the Tchaikovsky Specialized Secondary Music School. 1979-2013 - lecturer at the Yerevan state conservatory named after Komitas at the Chair of Theory and Practice of Performing Arts. Since 2003 - Associate Professor, since 2010 - Professor. Author of monographs: "On the Formation of Polyphonic Thinking of Pianist Students" (Yerevan, "Luys", 1991), "Georgy Saradzhev" (Yerevan, 1997), "Mardzhan Mkhitaryan" (Yerevan, 2002). The author of the essays: "In the class of N.N. Poznyakovskaya (Memories of the Old School)". In the book: Natalia Poznyakovskaya. Memories. Articles. Pub. "Composer", St. Petersburg, 2014., "Egon Petri". Pub. Komitas. Yerevan, 2020. Author of articles in the educational and methodical collection of the Yerevan state conservatory after Komitas: "Free forms of the Baroque and their role in the formation of polyphonic thinking of young pianists." Volume 4/2007. "Some regularities in the development of melodic lines in the polyphony of I.S. Bach". Volume 5/2008. Author of articles in the journal "Musical Armenia". Wrote a list of piano works by Armenian composers for schools, musical colleges, conservatories (in collaboration with Sh.A. Apoyan). Yerevan, 1983. Compiled collections of polyphonic works for undergraduate music schools: I issue - I-IV grades. Yerevan, Van Aryan, 2011; II issue - V-VII grades. Yerevan, Van Aryan, 2012.


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How to Cite

Babayan Ш. О. (2021). "Life in Music. To the anniversary of Professor Willi Sarkisian." . Musical Armenia, 1(60), 12–19. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/49