“The Beginnings of Armenian Professional Vocal Art. Haikanush Danielyan”.


  • Armenuhi Seryozha Bazinyan


H. B. Danielyan, N. A. Iretskaya, Bel canto, performance skills, sound production, voice technic, hamber singing, chamber singing, opera traditions


The article presents the work of Haikanush Danielyan, one of the founders of the Armenian school of singing, who created the traditions of the Armenian vocal art. H. Danielyan is introduced as a bright individual who made a significant contribution to the development of both republican and Soviet opera and chamber vocal schools. Along with performing, Danielyan was involved in teaching as a professor at Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory.

Author Biography

Armenuhi Seryozha Bazinyan

(b. 1972, Yerevan). In 1993 graduated from Piano department at Yerevan Romanos Melikyan Music College. In 1999 graduated from Department of Opera and Stage Singing at the Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory. In 1999-2001 she took postgraduate courses in solo singing. In 1999-2001 she worked as an illustrator at the Department of Accompaniment at the YSC. In 2002-2003 was a voice teacher at Kanakeravan School of Arts. Since 2003 she worked as an assistant at the Department of Solo singing at the YSC, and since 2005 as a pedagogue at the same department. Since 2016 she has been an associate professor at YSC. Since 2017 she is a part-time teacher at the Tchaikovsky Specialized Music School in Yerevan.


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How to Cite

Bazinyan А. С. (2021). “The Beginnings of Armenian Professional Vocal Art. Haikanush Danielyan”. Musical Armenia, 1(60), 26–30. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/51