Digital Technologies in the Field for Professional Training of Directors of Artistic Ensembles


  • Natalia Nikolay Rusanova


Professional training, digital technologies, educational platforms


The article focuses on the challenges in the professional training of directors of artistic ensembles in the current context. The author also reviews existing possibilities and specifics on using digital technologies in the training process.

Author Biography

Natalia Nikolay Rusanova

In 1995 she has graduated from Samara State Institute of Arts and Culture in Instrumental Performance (traditional instruments, bayan). In 2012 she completed postgraduate studies in Theory and Methodology of Professional Education (except dissertation), Since 1995 she works as teacher, conductor of the Orchestra of National Instruments, artist at the Orchestra of National Instruments, high school lecturer, and Docent. She is the author of published works and more than 15 articles, such as The Principles of Repertoire Selection for an Artistic Ensemble (Orchestra of National Instruments); Education in the Modern World: Practices of Digital Transformation / / A Collection of Research Papers from the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference with International Participation, Samara, 2021 ( /item.asp?id=45739404); The ’Orchestral Literature՛ Course Within the Context of the Contemporary Educational Process // Performing Arts and Music Pedagogy: History, Theory, and Practice: a collection of articles from the International Conference, Saratov, 2020 (; The Specifics of Orchestral Conducting // Proceedings of the VII Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference on Art and Culture Institutions: The Art of the Accompaniment and its Components, 2019.


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How to Cite

Rusanova Н. Н. (2022). Digital Technologies in the Field for Professional Training of Directors of Artistic Ensembles. Musical Armenia, 2(61), 43–46. Retrieved from