Chronicle of the Journal "Musical Armenia"


  • Gohar Karlen Shagoyan


“Musical Armenia”, Founder-Editor-in-chief, Director, Scientific, teaching-methodological, journal


Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas already had a great history, great tradition of music education, when appeard the idea of creating a journal "Musical Armenia". The author of this idea is a graduate of theoretical faculty of YSC Gohar Shaghoyan, who at first times supported former rector of the Conservatory, Honour of Art RA, composer Armen Smbatyan. It is need to say that at first this idea seemed too brave. The most faithful principle to have many reliable friends determines the success of the work. The journal "Musical Armenia" became a kind of chronicle of events, expensive and significant in the history of Armenian music. Today journal "Musical Armenia" is an indivisible element of the whole musical life of Armenia, trying to capture the highlights not only of the Armenian but also of the world music. In the journal there are articles of the beginner musicologists, graduates of YSC which introduces readers to the range of problems of the musicology field and also the works of performers, docents of Yerevan State Conservatory demonstrating the high level of knowledge of the music history.

Author Biography

Gohar Karlen Shagoyan

Musiologist, issuer, member of the union of journalists(1995) and composers(1997) of RA. Aspirant of MSC after Tchaikovsky,(leading professor doctor of arts, M. E. Tarakanov and E.B. Dolinskaya 1988-1989, 2002-2004) 3 month's training courses in MSC after P. Tchaikovsky(1987). Intensive courses of English in State University after Abovyan(1987). Has graduated from the department of music of YSC, (leading professor doctor of arts N.K. Takmizyan (1983)). Diploma thesis monograph “Gurgen Alemshakh” has received certificate of honor 1988). She took courses of Grabar (1979-1981) in YSU and YSC receiving certificate with distinction. Has Graduated theoretical department of Music College after R. Melikyan. In 1998 has established scientific journal “Musical Armenia” establisher-editor in chief. (Establisher, headmaster, professor, Rector A.B. Smbatyan). From 2000 continues her activity in YSC. In 1999 has established and lead the club of friends of the journal “Musical Armenia” in public beginnings. From 2004 till now is the headmaster of publishing office of YSC (establishes chairman of the publishing council, rector of YSC S. V. Saradzhyan and Sh.). From 2004 to 2012 collection of methodological articles, edition 1-7. (2004-2010)compiler and editor Sh.. Chairman of editors boards. Rector, professor S. G. Saradzhyan). Messenger of YSC after Komitas (educational and methodological articles 8-9. 1/2011-12 educational and methodological articles 8-9.2. 2011-2012 Chairman of editors boards. rector, professor Sh. H. Shahinyan). From 2005 establisher and accountable for editions of monthly journal “Musician”. Teaching activities: 1994-1985 State University after Abovyan department of art education. Chair of theory of music and mythology of teaching, lecturer 1988-1990 Deputy Head of the Department. 28 author's aricles and 34 editorial works, in the Big Russian Encyclopedia. Moscow (R. Amirkhanyan) Russian Musical Encyclopedia (R. Amirkhanyan, V. Achemian, I. Arbatov, A. Achemian, T. Arazyan),"We"(menq) "Armenian girl" in armnian ecyclopedias. 121 radiprograms from which 54 about Armenian composers, 5 author's cycles (67 broadcastc first time in radio of RA, week of music of composers of Armenia" of 5 authors) international concerts in Yerevan, Armenia. Organizer of the article series about Armenia published in the Moscw Musical Academy journal (N 1, 2005).Shagoyan make opening speeches in concerts, and reports in the international and republican conferences.


Шагоян Г. К., Первый музыкальный журнал //Музыкальная Армения, #1 (50) 2016

Դանիեշ Երաժիշտ, «Ստեղծագործելու համար տաղանդ է պետք, իսկ հրատարակելու համար' հանճար», //Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն, 12. 2. 2005, թիվ 25 (3641)

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Լօքմազէոզեաս S, //Ակոս



How to Cite

Shagoyan Գ. Կ. (2022). Chronicle of the Journal "Musical Armenia". Musical Armenia, 2(61), 87–92. Retrieved from