"Akn" choir of Paris is performing traditional Armenian church music”


  • Anahit Hovhannes Baghdasaryan Yerevan State Conservatory


Aram Qerovbian, Parisian “Akn” choir, Armenian Liturgical music


PhD candidate, Docent of YSC Anahit H. Baghdasaryan -“"Akn" choir of Paris is performing traditional Armenian churchmusic”."Akn" Choir was founded in Paris in 1985 and has been active forover thirty years in a continuous, effective and energetic way. The choiris a union of dedicated followers who strive for the preservation anddissemination of Armenian church songs. As it is known, Armenianchurch art is one of the oldest in the Christian world (formed in thefirst century A), being the heir and bearer of the pagan Armenia temple singing. During the time due to the development of church life inus, the construction of churches and monasteries and spiritual activitiesin Armenia gradually formed different centers of Armenianecclesiastical singing where each of them has its own uniqueperformance such as Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, St. HakobyantsMonastery in Jerusalem, Mekhitarist Congregation, as well asConstantinople. Ancient Armenian church chanting was formed in themultiethnic, multilingual atmosphere of the ancient Roman, Byzantineand later Ottoman. Being anxious over the millennial traditions ofnational singing art, which was imported to Constantinople throughrefugees from different parts of Armenia (Armenians settled inConstantinople in the 2nd century BC), the Armenian-ConstantinopleArmenian singing also included some local singing. One of the moststriking examples of this is the peculiar shape of a wave-candle thatoriginated from the ancient layers of the multinational music culture ofthe Mediterranean basin. The Constantinople-Armenian church ritual isunique and the use of cymbals during the singing, adheres to the dailylife of the Armenian pagan temples. At the same time, theConstantinople people preserved eight sound systems of the ecclesiasticbase of the Armenian church music, unanimous singing, usuallyreplaced, vocal sound voice. Here are the principles of constructiveperformance of the choir "Akn". The choirmaster and the head of thechoir is from Constantinople. He is a singer, conductor, pedagogue,musician, musicologist and public figure Aram Qerovbian, who is also acurator of St. John the Baptist Church of the Armenian ApostolicChurch in Paris. The "Akn" chorus performs with concerts in Europeand other countries. Released six CD's of Armenian church music,mostly by the psalms, dedicated to the Great Lent. Easter, St. VirginMary, St. Cross etc.  

Author Biography

Anahit Hovhannes Baghdasaryan , Yerevan State Conservatory

musician, PhD candidate of Arts, docent. She is born in 1947, in the city of Leninakan(now called the city of Gyumri). Graduated from the department of musicology of YSC. Defended her thesis on the following theme "Imitation in thecompositions of Komitas". The professional activities of Baghdasaryan are carried out in two directions: pedagogical and scientific. She has taughttheoretical and historical subjects of music in different educational institutions of music of Yerevan. In 1989 she lectured "Armenian music noteswriting", later also "Armenian spiritual music" in YSC. She also works as a senior scientist in the National Academy of Sciences in Armenia. Thescientific activities of Baghdasaryan are dedicated to the Armenian traditional national, minstrel, church music.  



How to Cite

Baghdasaryan А. О. (2018). "Akn" choir of Paris is performing traditional Armenian church music”. Musical Armenia, 2(55), 45–47. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/114