''Portrait through the music (dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Sofa Aznauryan).
, Hamlet, Armenia, monoopera, Z. Gippius, , G. I. Yeghiazaryan, Gegham Grigoryan, Sofa AznauryanAbstract
Violinist, Docent of YSC Anahit Varuzhan Lavchyan. - ''Portrait through the music (dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Sofa Aznauryan). In his article the author briefly presented the biography of composer Sofa Aznavuryan, listed genres and creations that are intrinsic to his art. Analyzed the fantasy written for solo contrabass then the "Alla pulcinella" quintet (oboe, violin, cello, piano, big drum). The cello and piano sonata is the one of her significant works. She paid special attention to Sofa Aznavouryan's four mono-operas, presenting them with their artistic significance, as well as mentioning that they are the only ones in the Armenian musical reality
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