“A. Schnittke's Suite in the Old Style: "Matters of style"
symphonic style, baroque suite, neoclassicism, avant-garde music, polystylistics, film music, stylizationAbstract
Violinist, Docent of YSC Anahit Varuzhan Lavchyan. - “A. Schnittke's Suite in the Old Style: "Matters of style" ”. In the methodological work, the creative path of the outstanding composer can be traced. He stands as a mature master whose music happened to be bold, innovative and avant-garde. He was a composer in a perpetual creative search tackling various, at times mutually exclusive music styles. In his Suite in the Old Style Schnittke mingles the old with the new. The suite seems to be written in the 17th century however many things in the way it sounds are characteristic exclusively of the 20th century music. The author presents sheet music examples, draws interesting analogies with the works of the composers from different ages. This is a superb example of polystylism of Alfred Schnittke as a mixture of various old and new styles and contemporary, postmodern, classical and baroque ideas.
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