“Stress and music: Overcoming stress through music during the postearthquake years”


  • Bela Tigrani Hovhannisyan Yerevan State Conservatory


music, stress, psychology, earthquake, art, sound, overcoming


Composer, Pedagogue at Gyumri Branch of YSC Bela Tigran Hovhannisyan. - “Stress and music: Overcoming stress through music during the postearthquake years”. The article discusses the role of music in coping with stress. The problems of earthquake survivors were tackled using various techniques, in which music became the engine for the healing process, a means of counteracting the stress, and a factor contributing to healthy everyday life.   

Author Biography

Bela Tigrani Hovhannisyan, Yerevan State Conservatory

(b. 1982, Gyumri) has graduated from the Departments of Composition (prof. A. Satyan's class) and Piano (docent N. Gyozalyan's class) at Gyumri branch of Komitas Yerevan State Conservatory. Since 2009 she is a lecturer at the Gyumri branch of YSC teaching Instrumentation, Organology, Choral Arranging, Music Score Reading, Piano. In 2017 she worked as a Head of the Department of Orchestral Composition at Gyumri Branch of YSC. In 2017-2018 she was coordinating the "Composition" nomination of the ''Renaissance'' International Competition-Festival. In 2017-2020 she was teaching Harmony, Solfeggio at KOHAR Music School. B. Hovhannisyan is the author of ''Rhythm Dictations'' teachers' methodology guide. She is the Grand Prize winner of the international contest-festival. Her works have been performed in Austria, Russia. She has collaborated with the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra, Armenian State Youth Symphony Orchestra, Armenian TV and Radio Jazz-Symphony Orchestra, and Gyumri State Chamber Orchestra. She was awarded the Certificate of Appreciation and Gratitude by the Mayor of Gyumri. B. Hovhannisyan is a member of the Composers Union of the Republic of Armenia.  


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How to Cite

Hovhannisyan Բ. Տ. (2020). “Stress and music: Overcoming stress through music during the postearthquake years”. Musical Armenia, 1(58), 48–53. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/172

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