“Armenian urban folk songs in Àrchimandrite Komitas works”
national liberation movement, patriotic songs, urban songs, variants, Komitas Àrchimandrite, Khrimian Hayrik, arrangementsAbstract
Musicologist, PhD Candidate, Docent of YSC Nune RomeoAtanasyan. — “Armenian urban folk songs in ÀrchimandriteKomitas works”.Throughout the 19th century, national thinking experienced aperiod of boom. Signs of the awakening of national identity weretriggered by vigorous cultural activity; numerous magazines,organizations were created, numerous samples of folk songs,scientific reviews and descriptions of national costumes werepublished in periodicals. The first samples published in periodicalsare patriotic songs of the national liberation movement. Urbansongs in the spotlight have been compiled, recorded and publishedin numerous song collections. Huge work in this area was done byG. Eranian, K. Kara-Murza, M. Ekmalian, S. Amatuni, A. Brut ian,S. Demurian, M. Toumajan, V. Samvelian, S. Melikian andothers.Komitas Àrchimandrite, in turn, also highly appreciated thenational-patriotic songs. Along with folk songs, he collected andrecorded samples of this genre.During his creative career, Komitas Àrchimandrite regularlyreferred to Urban songs. Being one of the leading intellectuals ofhis time, he could not remain indifferent to various manifestationsof urban culture, especially to national liberation and patrioticsongs. The fourth volume of Komitas Collected works presentssongs in this genre, which Àrchimandrite elaborated from his student years, from the 1890’s to 1914.In this article we present an overview of urban folk songs“Dream” and “Hayrik, Hayrik”.
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