About new publications of the Department of Armenian Music Ethnography. Spitak-1975


  • Nune Romeo Atanasyan Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan


Spitak, Armenian Folk Music, Song collection, Notation, Edition, Publication


In the article we represent the 14th Volume of the Series “Armenian Folk Songs and Melodies”, published in 2021, which is based on the materials of ethnographic expedition by prof. Margarit Brutyan in Spitak region in 1975. The Volume is a Memorial to the victims of the earthquake of 1988. This volume is the first part, containing the various genre spector of this region’s cultural heritage. It also distributes singing culture of various regions of Historical Armenia, such as Mush, Erzrum. People from there migrated to Spitak in the end of the 19th and the beginning of 20th centuries.

Author Biography

Nune Romeo Atanasyan, Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan

In 1990, she graduated from Musicological department of YKSC (prof. M. Harutyunyan). Since 1993 she works at the Department of Armenian Music Ethnography of YKSC. Associate professor (2017) and the head of the Department (2018), teaching subjects: “Armenian folk music", “Armenian sacred music", “New Armenian notation". Meanwhile, since 2000 she teaches subjects “Western European music-theoretical systems" and “Theoretical basis of Opera" in the Department of Theory of Music of YKSC. Since 2000 she is also a singer in Armenian National Chamber Choir. She is the author of “Armenian Sacred Music"handbook for the students of Conservatory (2017), monog- raphy “Stepan Demurian. At the origins of Armenian Music Folkloristics" (2020), handbook for music schools “Armenian Sacred Songs" (2020). She is also compiler and editor of three volumes of the series “Armenian Folk Songs and Melodies" (YKSC, vol. 9, 2013; vol. 11, 2014; vol. 14, 2021), as well as author of a number of articles, lectures and editor of music publications.



How to Cite

Atanasyan Ն. Ռ. (2022). About new publications of the Department of Armenian Music Ethnography. Spitak-1975. Musical Armenia, 2(61), 11–14. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/66