“G. G. Tigranov. Dedicated to the 100th anniversary. Articles, materials, memoirs”
Georgy Tigranov, Honored worker of arts of RA and RF, Aram Khachaturian, musicologist, Irina Tigranova, PhD candidate, St. Petersburg, theatrical art, Armenian opera theater, E. BarutchevaAbstract
PhD candidate, docent of YSC Lusine Zaven Sahakian - “G. G. Tigranov. Dedicated to the 100th anniversary. Articles, materials, memoirs”. In this article review the collection devoted to the one of prominent native musicologists of the middle of the XX century, PhD, professor, the honored worker of arts of Armenia, the honored worker of arts of Russia G.G. Tigranov (1908-1991) is presented. The person of pronounced public temperament, the lecturer, the researcher, the pedagogue, he more then half a century has been closely connected with the Leningrad-St. Petersburg conservatory and also with the musical culture of Armenia. It has defined a wide range of authors of the present collection
Тигранов Г. Г.,Армянский музыкальный театр.,Т.IЕр., 1956., Т. II Ер., 1960., Т. III Ер., 1975.,Т. IV Ер., 1988.Tigranov G.G.,Armyanskij vuzykal nyj teatr., Т.I Yer., 1956., Т.II Yer. 1960., Т.III Yer.,1975.,ТIV Yer., 1988.
Георгий Григорьевич Тигранов. К 100-летию со дня рождения. Статьи. Материалы. Воспоминания., СПб.: Санкт-Петербургская государственная консерватория.,2008.- 400 с./Georgij Grigor evich Tigranov. K 100-letiu so dnya rozhdeniya. Stat i. Materialy. Vospominaniya., SPb.: Sankt-Peterburgskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya.,2008.- 400s.