“G. G. Tigranov. Dedicated to the 100th anniversary. Articles, materials, memoirs”


  • Lucine Zaven Sahakyan Yerevan State Conservatory


Georgy Tigranov, Honored worker of arts of RA and RF, Aram Khachaturian, musicologist, Irina Tigranova, PhD candidate, St. Petersburg, theatrical art, Armenian opera theater, E. Barutcheva


PhD candidate, docent of YSC Lusine Zaven Sahakian - “G. G. Tigranov. Dedicated to the 100th anniversary. Articles, materials, memoirs”. In this article review the collection devoted to the one of prominent native musicologists of the middle of the XX century, PhD, professor, the honored worker of arts of Armenia, the honored worker of arts of Russia G.G. Tigranov (1908-1991) is presented. The person of pronounced public temperament, the lecturer, the researcher, the pedagogue, he more then half a century has been closely connected with the Leningrad-St. Petersburg conservatory and also with the musical culture of Armenia. It has defined a wide range of authors of the present collection

Author Biography

Lucine Zaven Sahakyan , Yerevan State Conservatory

 (born. 25.07.1972, Yerevan). In 1990 she ended Musical school after R. Melikyan (diploma with honors), the musicological department with honors (a class of professor, doctor of art P. Zurabyan). In 1995 graduated from YSC and in 2000 got a postgraduate degree (chef professor, Honored worker of RA, art candidate A. A. Saryan). From 1993 to 1995 had been a chairman of new organized student council of conservatory. At the same time she worked in ChMSh of the village of Kasakh in the field of Nairi. From 1995 to 1997 she taught theoretical subjects in musical school after R. Melikyan.In 2007 defend a thesis on a subject: “Science of Komitas in Armenian musicology”. Since 1995 has taught music history in YSC , Docent since 2009.The head of Department of music history in EYC since 2014.The author of musicological work “Science of Komitas in Armenian Musicology”, book, Yer., 2010, 20 scientific articles devoted to Komitas, //Anuario Musical, musicological journal, 2012, Under the light of the scientific heritage of Komitas P. 2-5, Devoted to the Komitas 140th anniversary P. 6- 10, “Let it be light” P. 24-27, //Musical Armenia, 4(35)2009, East-West cultural supplications in the activity of Komitas//Musical Armenia 2 (25) 2007, P. 78-80, reality of Komitas pedagogue musicological establishment, //Musical Armenia1(24)2007, P. 30-32, “N. Tahmizyan: “Komitas and the musical heritage of the Armenian nation” work, //Musical Armenia 1(20)2006, P. 22-26, “Influence of fortepiano dances of Komitas on the work of A. Babajanyan's early period of creativity”, //Musical Armenia 1 (48) 2015, P. 86-90, R. Atayan's investment in Komitas science, /Kantegh 3, 2006, P. 164-172, Yer., Astghik,. She performed with reports in international scientific conferences in Gyumri and Yerevan.  


Тигранов Г. Г.,Армянский музыкальный театр.,Т.IЕр., 1956., Т. II Ер., 1960., Т. III Ер., 1975.,Т. IV Ер., 1988.Tigranov G.G.,Armyanskij vuzykal nyj teatr., Т.I Yer., 1956., Т.II Yer. 1960., Т.III Yer.,1975.,ТIV Yer., 1988.

Георгий Григорьевич Тигранов. К 100-летию со дня рождения. Статьи. Материалы. Воспоминания., СПб.: Санкт-Петербургская государственная консерватория.,2008.- 400 с./Georgij Grigor evich Tigranov. K 100-letiu so dnya rozhdeniya. Stat i. Materialy. Vospominaniya., SPb.: Sankt-Peterburgskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya.,2008.- 400s.



How to Cite

Sahakyan Լ. Զ. (2018). “G. G. Tigranov. Dedicated to the 100th anniversary. Articles, materials, memoirs”. Musical Armenia, 1(54), 2–5. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/2