In memory of Levon Chaushyan


  • Sahenik Hakob Maghaqyan Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan


Levon Chaushyan, pianist, composer, teacher, work, performing arts, Armenian Musical Assembly


The article is dedicated to the memory of composer Levon Chaushan, Honored Artist of the RA, Chairman of the Armenian Musical Assembly, professor of Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory. He used to say that if 50 years after the composer's death his works are still performed, then he has remained in the history of music. So let the time be favorable to him and keep the freshness of perception of the Chaushyan spirit and the special national flavor of his works for new generations of musicians not only in Armenia, but also beyond its borders.

Author Biography

Sahenik Hakob Maghaqyan, Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan

In 1986 she graduated from the Conservatory (class of Prof. V. V. Sargsyan). From 1986 to 2003 she worked as a piano teacher at Yerevan music school after A. Heqimyan. Since 1993 she been concertmaster at the Department of Wind Instruments at YSC. Since 2003 works at department of concermasterclasses. YSC, since 2013 as an Associate Professor, and since 2018 as a Full Professor. Among her students there are laureates and dploma holders of republican and international competitions. She was solo concerts with brass soloists, concert at Moscow Gnesins Academy of Music with soloist - singer, Prof. of YSC M. Hovsepyan, thematic evenings dedicated to G. Sviridov, M. Tariverdiev, etc. She was the first performer-concertmaster of Armenian. She is author of monography: “Concertmaster of Armenian”, Yer., Lusakn, 2018., and several articles.


эл. газета “Азг” 25.02.2022

«Այսօր ՛Հայաստանը որոշում է երկրագնդի բախտը» // Հրապարակ օրաթերթ, 8 հոկտեմբերի, 2020 թ.



How to Cite

Maghaqyan С. А. (2022). In memory of Levon Chaushyan. Musical Armenia, (1), 47–53. Retrieved from




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