Georgi Tigranov on the Crimean Period of Al. Spendiaryan's activity


  • Ani Hovhannes Asatryan Gyumri Branch of Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas; Shirak Center for Armenological Studies NAS RA


G. Tigranov, Al. Spendiaryan, Crimea, composer, ballad , Armenian melodies, opera


During his academic activity, graduate of Leningrad Conservatory G. Tigranov authored valuable works dedicated to foreign, Russian, and Armenian music, compiled and edited numerous collections dedicated to the lives and works of B. Asafev, A. Khachatryan, K. Sarajev, etc. His studies dedicated to the activities of the great Armenian composer Alexander Spendiarov are especially invaluable in that series, which left their unique trace in the study of the history of Armenian-Russian music. According to G. Tigranov, Al. Spendiarov, reached his creative maturity in Crimea in 1900-1917. He succeeded in discovering the "New East" in music. With his works, Al. Spendiarov introduced into the chamber and symphonic music the new Armenian world of previously unknown images and melodies. During the Crimean period of his life, Spendiarov became an Armenian national composer, a man who dared to solve the problems faced by the young Armenian school of composition. His music of that period is distinguished by clarity and elegance. Al. Spendiarov managed to embody the most significant in-depth ideas in a simple, natural and accessible artistic way.

Author Biography

Ani Hovhannes Asatryan, Gyumri Branch of Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas; Shirak Center for Armenological Studies NAS RA

Pianist, in 2002 she graduated from the Gyumri Branch of Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory. In 2006-2008 she took a Post-Graduate Course at Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory. Since 2020, she has been an aspirant of Shirak Armenological Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, majoring in "Musical Art". She is also engaged in the theme "Outstanding Armenians of Leningrad Conservatory". G. Tigranov's life and activity. In 2012-2018 she worked as a teacher and accompanist at the Gyumri College of Arts "Improrhythm". Since 2002, she has been working as a lecturer at Gyumri Branch of Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory. She has participated in a number of international conferences, published articles, including: 1. Asatryan A., In the Origins of Professional Music Development in Alexandropol. Nikoghayos Tigranyan, "Historical and Cultural Heritage of Shirak and Current Issues of Armenological Studies", Proceedings of the 10th international conference, Gyumri, "Gitutyun" Publishing House, 2019, pp. 365-369. 2. Asatryan A., "Al. Spendiarov's Life and Composing Activity at the Beginning of the XX (based on G. Tigranov's materials), Budapest, "Scientific Heritage", 2022, VOL 2, No. 87 (87), p. 3-6. 3. Asatryan A., Peculiarities of Teaching the Subject of "General Piano" in musical higher educational institutions, Rotterdam, XX International Multidisciplinary Conference "Innovations and Tendencies of State-of-Art Science". Proceedings of the Conference (June, 2022), 2022, 27-34.


Тигранов Г. Г., Александр Афанасьевич Спендиаров, М.:Госмузлит., 1959.

Тигранов Г. Г., А. А. Спендиаров (по материалам писем и воспоминаний)., Ер.: Айпетрат., 1953.

Шебуев Н, Музыканты о Горьком. Спендиаров о Горьком, М.: Музыка и революция, 1928. # 4 (28), апрель.

Тер-Гевондян А., Воспоминания о Спендиарове, //Советская музыка, М., 1956, N 6.

Глазунов А., Воспоминания об А. А. Спендиарове. //Советская музыка, М., 1939, # 9-10.

Асафьев Б. В., Встречи со Спендиаровым,, М.: Советский композитор., 1958.

Гумреци, Николай Фадеевич Тигранов и музыка Востока. Ленинград, 1927.

Թումանյան Ն., Ա. Սպենդիարյան և Հ. Թումանյան («Ալմաստ»-ի շուրջն ունեցած նրանց հանդիպումների առթիվ), //Սովետական արվեստ», Եր., 1941, N 5:



How to Cite

Asatryan Ա. Հ. (2023). Georgi Tigranov on the Crimean Period of Al. Spendiaryan’s activity. Musical Armenia, (2), 78–83. Retrieved from


