“Krzysztof Penderecki and Armenian Music”


  • Margarita Ashot Rukhkyan ՀՀ ԳԱԱ ԱԻ


Penderecki, , Ivan Monigetti, Gremmi, Poland


PhD Doctor of Arts, Leading Researcher of NAS RA Margarita Ashot Rukhkyan. - “Krzysztof Penderecki and Armenian Music”. The article is devoted to musical art and ties as well to Krzysztof Penderecki who is the friend of Armenian culture, favorite and expected person also person who has Armenian roots. The great Polish composer's friendship and the number of his art fans are all around the world, he has been a citizen of the planet, but he preferred to spend his 85th jubilee concert together with his beloved listeners and friends in Yerevan presenting to the Armenian listeners his Krzysztof Penderecki's interesting works in the concert hall after A. Khachaturian. The author analyzes the historical development of his works as well as presents the significance and role of the genius composer's heritage and focuses on concerted performances in his controversial reality and in the Armenian reality of its music at that time. The author summarizes non-traditionally scientifically-analytical articles with sayings reflection and appreciation of Armenian composers about the Krzysztof Penderecki's music and art.

Author Biography

Margarita Ashot Rukhkyan, ՀՀ ԳԱԱ ԱԻ

(born 07.11.1937) is the musicologist-historian, the musical critic, the doctor of art, the leading researcher of AI NAS RA. In 1962 graduated from theorethic-composer faculty of YSC. After the termination she worked as the musical editor in musical edition of the Armenian television. Author of several documentaries. She got a postgraduate degree at All-Union institute of Art Studies in Moscow (head, doctor of art V. A. Vasina-Grossman, 1965 – 1968). Since 1968 she has been a researcher of department of music of AI NAS RA. She is a candidate of art (1971). The winner of All-Union musicological competition after B. V. Asafyev (for the book "The Armenian symphony. Research sketches", 1982). Doctor of art criticism (2005). Since 2005 till today she is a researcher of Institute of arts NAN RA. Author of monographs Armenian symphony, Research sketches, Yer. AS. Soviet Socialist Republic, 1980. 115 p.;. Avet Terteryan. Creativity and life., Yer.: NAIRI., 2002. 246 p.; Portraits of the Armenian composers. Yer: NAIRI, 2009, 234 p.; Theatre of a sound of Vardan Adzhemyan., Yer.:Amrots groups., 2015. 86 p.. She is the author of about 100 scientific works on problems of modern Armenian music published in journals and scientific collections and more than 300 articles published in the republican press. Since 1972 she has been the member of CU of Armenia. Since 1995 she has been the member of the Armenian musical assembly. In 2008 she was awarded by the Gold medal of the Ministry of Culture of RA. In 2011 she got the title of the Honored worker of arts of RA.



How to Cite

Rukhkyan М. А. (2018). “Krzysztof Penderecki and Armenian Music”. Musical Armenia, 1(54), 43–48. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/23