“Romanov's “Bechstein” the History of the White Piano in the Context of the Development of Piano Music Traditions in Yerevan


  • Aram Suren Harutyunyan Yerevan State University


Yerevan, Piano Performance, Grand Piano, Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas, Romanos Melikian, Anushavan Ter-Ghevondyan, Nicholas Mikhailovich Romanov, “Bechstein”


“Romanov's “Bechstein” the History of the White Piano in the Context of the Development of Piano Music Traditions in Yerevan”. In the modern history of Armenia, the third decade of the twentieth century, in particular, has become a period of the establishment of academic music education in the newly established Republic of Armenia. In 1926 composer Anushavan Ter-Ghevondyan became the third Rector of the young Yerevan Conservatory. In addition to his numerous concerns, the newly appointed director was also confronted with the task of acquiring high-quality musical instruments. During the initial period of his rectorate, Ter-Ghevondian purchased a Bechstein concert grand piano for the Conservatory hall, unique instrument in its "princely" past, appearance, and, of course, in terms of its quality. The present study introduces the history of the grand piano. However, to objectively evaluate the significance of the arrival of this high-quality instrument in Yerevan in the 1920s, some aspects of its prehistory are indicated, particularly the development of piano traditions in Yerevan, starting from the seventies of the 19th century. The previously unpublished materials from the funds of the Yeghishe Charents Museum of Literature and Art show that Romanos Melikyan, composer, founder, and first rector of Yerevan Conservatory, helped A. Ter-Ghevondian to acquire the piano. For many years the grand piano has been the main concert instrument of Armenia's main music educational institution. Thus, the white Bechstein that previously belonged to Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich Romanov and was brought from his Likani Palace (in Likani village, near Borjomi, Georgia) has played a significant role in the musical life of Yerevan.


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How to Cite

Harutyunyan Ա. Ս. (2021). “Romanov’s “Bechstein” the History of the White Piano in the Context of the Development of Piano Music Traditions in Yerevan. Musical Armenia, 1(60), 4–11. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/47