The Musician-Performer Professional Competence


  • Anna Nikolay Aryutkina Samara state institute of culture


The article contains an analysis of the modern professional training of a musician-performer at the university. Special attention is paid to the meaning of interpretation in modern musical and performing activities. The article suggests an understanding of interpretation as a reinterpretation of the content of the work, based on the personal creative beliefs of the performer, implies the presence of an understanding of a different experience. This topic is also supplemented by the consideration of the act of joint activity of the participants of the performance, during which a common view is developed on the ideas and images of a musical work, as a result of which the consciousness of the audience is transformed. This requires the presence of communicative competence. Therefore, a modern specialist of musical and performing arts integrates communicative and interpretative competencies. The proposed structure of professional competence of a musician-performer is considered taking into account the competence approach. Modern interpretations of the concept of competence are given. The structure of professional competence integrates musical and performing, interpretive, communicative, pedagogical, organizational and managerial competencies. Communicative competence is considered as a professionally significant personal property of a future musician-performer during professional training at the university.

Author Biography

Anna Nikolay Aryutkina, Samara state institute of culture

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, head of the Department of folk instruments, Samara state institute of culture (Russian Federation).


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How to Cite

Aryutkina А. Н. (2022). The Musician-Performer Professional Competence. Musical Armenia, 2(61), 38–42. Retrieved from