“National and Pan-European synthesis in Arno Babajanian's piano Trio”


  • Karine Azat Jaghatspanyan Yerevan State Conservatory


S. B. Amatuni, Piano Trio, State award of the USSR, Arno Babajanyan, Karine Jaghatspanyan


PhD Doctor, Professor of YSC Karine Azat Jaghatspanyan. - “National and Pan-European synthesis in Arno Babajanian's piano Trio”. Arno Babajanian belongs to the number of composers whose works can be explored taken them completely and each one in every single case revealing remarkable patterns. The piano trio is especially attracts the researcher's attention as it is the first major chamber work of the composer where the best traditions of classical and romantic music and the brightly mentioned Armenian national musical elements are united in a rather unique way.

Author Biography

Karine Azat Jaghatspanyan, Yerevan State Conservatory

musicologist, theorist, music critic, PhD (Moscow, 2001), honored Artist of Armenia, YSC professor. She graduated from the theoretical composition departure of YSC (1966) .She finished a postgraduate study in the AllUnion Research Institute of Art (1977-1980 Moscow). In 1966-1993 years she had been an responsible secretary and chairman of the Arts Department of ABCN. Since 1975-1983 freelance correspondent of the Moscow All-Union magazine "Soviet Music" (now the "Academy of Music"). From 1977 -1989 - had been a chairman of the monthly seminar "Problems of modern music" at SC of Armenia (Head - Goshovsky V.A). In 1983-1991 and 1996 -2013 years. deputy. head of musicological section of the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Armenia. From 1998 - 2013 had been a member of the UCIM RA. Since 2001 had been a member of the Academic Council of Yerevan State Conservatory and since 2003 and also of the Academic Council of the Institute of Arts NAS RA. In 2002, 2003, 2007 had been a member of the Commission for the award for the employees of literature and art. She had been the author of the Armenian first monographs on national musical rhythm, and also of the numerous articles (nearly 80) dedicated to the various issues of music art and composer creations, which were published in national and international media and scientific publications (nearly 100). Books: "Rhythm of the national speech and music" Er., 1986, "On the trail of the rhythms of folk music" Er., 1999, "From the life and works of Armenian composers" Er., 2012. She had been an organizer of articles about Armenia, published in Moscow magazine "Academy of Music". She had been a member of various national and international seminars, conferences, symposia and congresses.


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How to Cite

Jaghatspanyan К. А. (2018). “National and Pan-European synthesis in Arno Babajanian’s piano Trio” . Musical Armenia, 1(54), 24–26. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/9