“The endless road of the light and eternity”


  • Anush Mesrop Kirakosyan Քանոնահարուհի, ժուռնալիստ, մանկավարժ


Hovhannes Tumanyan, cosmic love, vardapet Komitas, Debed, great Armenian poet, Anush, the Battle of Kars, Avetik Isahakyan, Paruyr Sevak, aesthete, darkness, road to Light and Eternity


Pedagogue at YSC after Komitas, soloist, kanon playerAnoush Mesrop Kirakosyan.- “The endless road of thelight and eternity”.The article is the expression of the psychological andmoral influence that the two Armenian major geniusesKomitas and H. Tumanyan had on the author in terms ofmusic and literature. This has followed the author since herchildhood and became a mainstream. It also has its influenceon the formation of her personality as a musician and journalist. The combination of the two characters underlines theireternal presence in the everyday life of the Armenian nationwhich is quite interesting.  

Author Biography

Anush Mesrop Kirakosyan , Քանոնահարուհի, ժուռնալիստ, մանկավարժ

anush.00000@gmail.com (was born on 14 December 1957 in Armenia, Alaverdi). A soloistkanon player, as well as a lecturer of music at YSC Anoush Kirakosyan is an author of four books including "Eternaldiamonds 1" (2005), "Eternal diamonds 2"(2010), "Works for kanon" (2010) and "Khachatur Nersisyan's concert plays forkanon" (2010). She also wrote a number of articles including "They want to make them theirs as well" (brief version in"Avangard", 8-14 April 2009), "Friendship is born from a smile" (//Musical Armenia" jurnal, 1-3 November, 2013), "ArminePogosyan titled teacher" ("Musician" Yerevan State Conservatory magazine, April 2013), "…But the friendship is going on",//Armenia" newspaper,13-20 December 2012, "Happiness gives wings, the patriotism - feeling of dignity", //MusicalArmenia jurnal, and many more. She's also being published on "Musical Armenia" official magazine of the YSC, "Musician"newspaper, “Armenian soldier” the official newspaper of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia, “Fighter” theofficial newspaper of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Artsakh, Lebanese (Beirut) "Speaker" magazine and notonly. In different time periods she worked in different places among which were: 1979-1983 The musical school of the cityHoktemberian, 1980-1986 Tatul Altunyan Armenian state song & dance ensemble, 1986-1987 Armenian State EnsembleMinstrel Folk Songs of Armenia, 1990-1991 Armenian State Dance Ensemble, In 1993-2001 has been working at Public RadioAram Merangulyan Ensemble of Folk Instruments. In 1994-1997 she was qanun player and the Director of the Ensemble ofFolk Instruments of the Yerevan Special Regimen. In 1990-2009 was a pedagogue at the YSC, and since 2009 is qanunteacher and the Head of the Department of Folk Instruments at K. Saradjian Music School. Since 2019 is teachingPedagogical Practice at the A. Babajanyan Music College. 1990-2009 Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas, 2009 -present Musical school after K. Sarajyan.  


Թումանյան Հ.,Քառյակներ,Եր.,2009 թ.։ Thumanyan H.,Qar’yakner, Yer., 2009 th.

Թումանյան Հ., Բանաստեղծություններ, քառյակներ,պոեմներ,լեգենդներ և բալլադներ, Եր., 1986 թ.:Thuman yan H., Banastetsuthyunner, qaryakner,poemner, legendner ev balladner, Yer., 1986 th.

Թումանյան Հ., Հայկական ժողովրդական հեքիաթներ,պոեմներ, բալլադներ և լեգենդներ, Եր., Արեգ, 2011թ.։Thumanyan H., Haykakan joghovrdakan heqiathner,pvoemner, balladner ev legendner, Yer., Areg, 2011 th.

Կոմիտաս, Ասույթներ, քաղվածքներ,կենսագրական և մատենագրական տեղեկություններ,Եր., 1969 թ.: Komitas,Asuythner, qaghvatsqner, kensagrakan ev matenagrakan teghekuthyunner, Yer., 1969 th.



How to Cite

Kirakosyan Ա. Մ. (2020). “The endless road of the light and eternity”. Musical Armenia, 2(57), 21–24. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/188