"The honored actress of RA Raisa Mkrtchyan"


  • Anna Stepan Aghajanyan Yerevan State Musical-Pedagogical College Named After Arno Babajanyan


Raisa Mkrtchyan, Konstantin Orbelyan, Armine Sargsyan, pop singer, pianist Sopot, national artist, Arno Babajanyan


The author represents performing pedagogical activity of the honored actress of RA, professor of YSC, the pop singer, pianist Raisa Mkrtchyan. After the termination of school, she since 1969 teaches in the beginning on piano department and then on the department of pop singing. To the 50th anniversary of college in connection with long-term fruitful pedagogical activity Raisa Mkrtchyan has been awarded with the Gold medal of the Prime minister of RA, and to anniversary with the Gold medal of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Author Biography

Anna Stepan Aghajanyan, Yerevan State Musical-Pedagogical College Named After Arno Babajanyan

works at Yerevan State Musical-Pedagogical College after Arno Babajanyan as a musicologist since 1993, and as a vice director for education since 2008. She participated in the processing work of middle professional state standards of "Performing art of percussive and brass instruments" and "Music theory". She is a permanent member of the organization committee of Arno Babajanyan National Competition-Festival for Junior and Young Pianists. She was awarded the Certificate of RA Ministry of Education and Science and the Medal of RA Prime Minister for her contribution to education and upbringing.



How to Cite

Aghajanyan Ա. Ս. (2017). "The honored actress of RA Raisa Mkrtchyan". Musical Armenia, 2(53), 62–65. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/243