“Evgenia Arkadi Khosrovyan”


  • Sahenik Hakob Maghaqyan Yerevan State Conservatory


Maria Nikolaevna Barinov, soloist, concertmaster, ansamblist, Evgenia Khosrovyan


Pianist, Concertmaster, Professor of YSC Sahenik Hakob Maghaqyan. - “Evgenia Arkadi Khosrovyan”. The article is a portrait dedicated to YSC professor's activities, a lifestyle, a renowned musician-pedagogue, pioneer of YSC, pianist and concertmaster E. A. Kh.. The article is from the author's articles devoted to the YSC concertmaster which will be placed in a published book in order to value the contribution of Armenian composers to piano art in Armenian musical art.

Author Biography

Sahenik Hakob Maghaqyan, Yerevan State Conservatory

(born on March 26, 1963 in Yerevan). In 1981 she ended SSMSh after Tchaikovsky with the Gold medal (G. Ayvazyan's class), in 1986 she graduated from conservatory (a class of the prof. V. V. Sargsyan).From 1986 to 2003 worked as a teacher of piano in the musical school after A. Eqimyan. Since 1993 in YSC she is a concertmaster at the department of wind instruments (class of honored artist of RA, prof. H.Babayan, nowadays class of honored artist of RA A. Galstyan ; pipe class of honored artist of RA , prof. Yu.Balyan, nowadays A. Mailyan; fagotto of the prof. G. Mailyan and french horn class of honored artist of RA prof. G. Arshakyan). From 1999 to 2001 she studied in postgraduate study in YSC (class of the prof. Z.Zaqaryan). Since 2003 teaches in YSC, since 2013 she is a docent. Among her pupils and students there are winners and students of republican and international competitions. Participated as a concertmaster in the international festivals devoted to A. Khachaturyan (2003), to A. Terteryan (2004). In republican competitions of wind instruments (she is awarded with diplomas and certificates), repeatedly participated in international competition festival “Renaissance” in Gyumri (all soloists are winners); the international competition of vocalists after Barsova in Sochi (D. Avetisyan got a diploma). She had solo concerts with soloists-wind players, which took place in Moscow in Academy of Gnesiny (the soloist, the singer, the prof. of YSC, the laureate of international competition of M. Hovsepyan), the thematic evenings devoted to G. Sviridov, M. Tariverdiev, etc. Together with M. Hovsepyan has executed a cycle of concerts “The Russian vocal music” . The first performer concertmaster of S. Aznauryan' works - a vocal cycle on verses of M. Sargsyan devoted to Lusine Zaqaryan and monooperas “Hope” (soloist M.Ovsepyan). In 2014 at the first time presented in the Union of composers S. Aznauryan's opera of “Chikareli's Adventure”. Author of articles: “About the modest person and the bright musician” (//Musical Armenia No. 4 (35) 2009 o P. 56-58), “A vocal cycle of V. Babayan, “Autmn in Kiso's mountains” (/the Bulletin of the Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas 2011-2012, 8-9.1, P. 63-74), “Piano “images” “ in the monoopera of the Sofa Aznauryan “Hope” (in the same place, P. 74-82), the oboist's Portrait//Musical Armenia No. 1-2 (40-41), 2011. P. 83-86), “Stars of the Slovak opera in Armenia” (//Musician (Yerazhist) No. 9, 2014. P. 6), “Unfinished dialogue” (//Musician (Yerazhist) No. 10, 2014 P. 7).


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How to Cite

Maghaqyan С. А. (2018). “Evgenia Arkadi Khosrovyan”. Musical Armenia, 1(54), 61–64. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/30