“About musical language and features of performance of some romances of Tariverdiev”


  • Irina Hektor Grigoryan Yerevan State Conservatory


romance, Tarivediyev, Akhmadullina, Martynov, consertmaster, piano part


Pianist, lecturer of YSC Irina Hektor Grigoryan. - “Àbout musical language and features of performance of some romances of Tariverdiev”. The article is devoted to the analysis of some famous romans of famous composer Michael Tariverdiev. The author tries to reveal the peculiarities of the composer's works, the nuances of the musical language, and emphasize the unique difficulties in the performance of the singer and concertmaster.

Author Biography

Irina Hektor Grigoryan, Yerevan State Conservatory

(born 27.09.1974) graduated from Secondary Music School of Piano after P. Tchaikovsky (1992), YSC piano department (1997) and post-graduate studies in 1999 as a solo pianist. She has been working as a lecturer at YSC in preparation Department since 2002. She is an author of published articles about Noble and Charming H. Ter-Ghevondyan, // Musical Armenia (1) (24) 2007 etc.


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How to Cite

Grigoryan И. Г. (2018). “About musical language and features of performance of some romances of Tariverdiev”. Musical Armenia, 1(54), 65–68. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/32