“The patriarch of musicological history. Dedicated to G. C. Tigranov”


  • Narine Zaven Avetisyan Yerevan State Conservatory


G. G. Tigranov, B. V. Asafyev, Tigranov's family (Tigranyantss), Leningrad school of musicology, research works, musical theater, monographs, pedagogical activity


Musicologist, pianist, PhD candidate, docent Narine Zaven Avetisyan. - “The patriarch of musicological history. Dedicated to G. C. Tigranov”. The article is devoted to G. G. Tigranov's life and activities, the role and importance of his work in the context of Armenian and generally musicological history. He was born in 1908 in Saint Petersburg and his paternal house was one of the cultural centers of Saint-Petersburg. The core of scientific interests of Tigranov is the result of the 20-year work as well the books" Armenain Musical Theater" (4 volumes) published in Yerevan. He is a an author of articles devoted to Armenian music and Armenian composers as well to Russian classical music. She has published monographs about A. Spendiaryan, K. Sarajev, H. Stepanyan and A. Khachatryan. Tigranov has remained in memory of his contemporaries as an incomparable speaker and brilliant pedagogue who has created a school of musicologists and educates a constellation of specialists.  

Author Biography

Narine Zaven Avetisyan, Yerevan State Conservatory

NARINE ZAVEN AVETISYAN [09.03.1969. Yerevan]. Studied at secondary school ¹132, piano department of Music College after R.Meliqyan (excellent). 1993 graduated from piano Faculty from Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas. From 1995 to 2001 worked for ¹4 Yerevan music school after K.Sarajyan. In 2000 graduated from a postgraduate course of YSC with the specialization of musicology. Since 2001 has been an assistant professor at the chair of Music History and since 2007 has been an associated professor (docient). In 2003 defended dissertation on “Problems and Ways of Developing Armenian Piano Sonates (from the 80-th of XIX to the 70-th XXc.)” theme (supervisor prof. I. G. Tigranova) and received academic degree of PhD of Art (2004). Since 2005 has been a member of CMUA. From 2006 to 2010 was director of “Artchesh” publishing house of CMUA. Since 2011 Head of QA department of YSC. She is the author of “G. G. Tigranov” monograph, over 30 scientific and other articles published in Armenian and different foreign scientific publications.


Тигранов Г. Г., Из прошлого в будущее (о моих учителях). Фрагменты воспоминаний., /Г. Г. Тигранов., К 100-летию со дня рождения., С-Пб, 2008. Tigranov G. G., Iz proshlogo v budushchee (o moikh uchitelyakh). Fragmenty vospominanij., /G. G. Tigranov., K 100-letiu so dnya rozhdeniya., S-Pb, 2008.

Аветисян Н. З., По страницам архива., /Г. Г. Тигранов., К 100-летию со дня рождения., С-Пб, 2008. Avetisyan N. Z., Po stranitzam arkhiva., /G. G. Tigranov., K 100-letiu so dnya rozhdeniya., S-Pb, 2008.

Саргсян Н. Г., Г. Г. Тигранов и проблемы анализа армянского балетного театра., /Г. Г. Тигранов., к 100- летию со дня рождения., С-Пб, 2008. Sargsyan N. G., G. G. Tigranov i problemy analiza armyanskogo baletnogo teatra., /G. G. Tigranov., K 100-letiu so dnya rozhdeniya., SPb, 2008.

Аветисян Н. З., Г. Г. Тигранов., /Г. Г. Тигранов 100., Ер., 2008. Avetisyan N. Z., G. G. Tigranov., /G. G. Tigranov - 100., Yer., 2008.

Брославская Т. В., Верность традиции., /Г. Г. Тигранов., к 100-летию со дня рождения., С-Пб, 2008. Broslavskaya T. V., Vernost traditzii., /G. G. Tigranov., K 100-letiu so dnya rozhdeniya., S-Pb, 2008.

Барутчева Э. Г., Г. Г. Тигранов., /И сердц мое не забудет., СПб., 2004. Barutcheva E. G., G. G. Tigranov., /I serdtze moyo ne zabudet., S-Pb., 2004.

Из письма Дмитриева А. к Тигранову Г., /Г. Г. Тигранов. к 100-летию со дня рождения., С-Пб, 2008. Iz pis ma Dmitrieva A. k Tigranov G., /G. G. Tigranov., K 100-letiu so dnya rozhdeniya., S-Pb, 2008.

Тигранов Г. Г., В работе над оперой., /Р. М. Глиэр. Статьи. Воспоминания. Материалы., Т. I., М., Л., 1965. Tigranov G. G., V rabote nad operoj., /R. M. Glier. Stat i/ Vospominaniya. Materialy., t. I., M., L., 1965.

Асафьев Б. В., Моя дорогая Армения., /Дружба., Т. I., Ер., 1960. Asaf ev B. V., Moya dorogaya Armeniya., /Druzhba., T. I., Yer., 1960.

Худабашян К. Э., Уроки Тигранова., /Г.Г.Тигранов., к 100-летию со дня рождения., С-Пб., 2008. Khudabashyan K. У., Uroki Tigranova., /G. G. Tigranov., K 100-letiu so dnya rozhdeniya., S-Pb, 2008.



How to Cite

Avetisyan Н. З. (2018). “The patriarch of musicological history. Dedicated to G. C. Tigranov”. Musical Armenia, 1(54), 6–10. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/4