Armenian Diaspora Heritage of Armenian Children's and Youth Choral Music


  • Zakar Hakob Keshishian Institute of Arts of the NAS RA


Komitas, Barsegh Kanachean, children's choral music, choir, choirmaster, Aleksan Mnakyan, Avetis Nazaryan, Eduard Hakobyan, Zareh Archbishop Aznavourian


The article presents the long-term and fruitful creative work of Armenian composers of the Diaspora living and working in Beirut, Lebanon. The author reviews their work regarding choral music for children and youth, referring particularly to the works of Komitas' pupil Barsegh Kanachian, Alexan Mnakian, Eduard Hakobian, and Avetis Nazarian. We should also give credit to Zareh Archbishop Aznauryan, who paid great attention to the professional education of the younger generation. The material is presented in an informative and descriptive style.

Author Biography

Zakar Hakob Keshishian, Institute of Arts of the NAS RA

In 1993, he graduated from Department of Traditional Instruments (Shvi, /. Minasyan's class), and in 1996 from the Department of Choral Conducting (/. Vardanyan's class) at Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory. /n 1999, he completed postgraduate studies at YSC. He is the founder of the following music ensembles - Kaqavik Junior Choir (1988); Tsiatsan Choir and Orchestra (Lebanon, 1992); Varanda State Junior Choir (Shushi, Artsakh, 1992); Karkach Youth Choir (Lebanon, 1997); Ayg Armenian Youth Choir and Orchestra (2008); Shnorhaly Choir under the Holy See of Cilicia (2005-2009). Keshishian has been the co-director of Barsegh Kanachyan Music College (1998-2000). /n 2012, together with Kremerata Baltica he participated in Esterhazy International Festival performing Ashugh's Story by Georg Pelecis. Keshishian is teaching at Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music. He is a professor, member of the Board of Trustees of Barsegh Kanachyan Music College, and a lecturer at Haigazian University in Beirut, Lebanon.


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How to Cite

Keshishian Զ. Հ. (2022). Armenian Diaspora Heritage of Armenian Children’s and Youth Choral Music. Musical Armenia, 2(61), 80–86. Retrieved from