“John Gevorgian: "Armenia is an Eden" (devoted to the 80th anniversary of the violoncellist)”


  • Lilit K. Yepremyan Yerevan State Conservatory


Armenia, the Armenian performing art, the Yerevan Conservatory, the comparative analysis of the Soviet and American musical pedagogics, John Gevorgian, Narek Hakhnazaryan.


Musicologist, PhD candidate of Art, Docent of YSC Lilit K. Yepremyan.- “John Gevorgian: "Armenia is an Eden" (devoted to the 80th anniversary of the violoncellist)”.One of the leading professors of YSC, the violoncellist John Gevorgian,who nowadays lives and works in the USA in an exclusive interview to the journal "Musical Armenian" gave the high mark to the Soviet performing school.Comparing the system of musical education in Armenia and in the USA, the80-year-old musician, based on his life experience suggests to refuse radicalreforming of music education in RA, announcing this area as a sphere ofstrategic interests of RA which inherited the most productive system of primarymusic education in the world. He positively speaks about political changes onthe homeland, about the Velvet Revolution's (2018) leader figure NikolaPashinyan. Musician thinks that defeating it Armenia will become the realparadise on Earth, where spiritual priorities will bring his homeland toessentially new level of development.  



How to Cite

Yepremyan Լ. Կ. (2018). “John Gevorgian: "Armenia is an Eden" (devoted to the 80th anniversary of the violoncellist)”. Musical Armenia, 2(55), 61–63. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/119