Some Problems of the Specificities of Accompanist Art


  • Zaruhi Armen Khachatryan Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory


concertmaster, pedagogy, evolution of the concept , pedagogyaccompanist, sight reading, transposition, improvisation


The article places significant emphasis on the role of the accompanist, exploring their creative, pedagogical, and psychological functions, as well as their functional connection. It delves into the historical evolution of the concept of "accompanist," distinguishing between the terms "accompanist" and "accompanist" and attributing a broader meaning to the former. Among the numerous professional qualities highlighted, the article underscores several key aspects. These include technical mastery of the instrument, proficiency in sight-reading, transposition, and improvisation. A broad knowledge of other theoretical and performing disciplines is also required.

Author Biography

Zaruhi Armen Khachatryan, Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory

(b. 25.01.1975). She graduated from Yerevan State Conservatory (Departament of Piano, 1998) and completed postgraduate courses (2000, class of prof. R. Tandilyan). She taught at Sayat-Nova Children's Music School and Music School, Yerevan Specialized Secondary Music School named after P. M. Tchaikovsky, from 2006 to present, at the YSC of Department of General Piano and Concertmaster (to Prof. A. S. Kosemeyan) of the Department of String Instruments. She performed with Honored Artist of RA, Prof. A. Kosemeyan (premiere of E. Hayrapetyan's sonata for viola and piano). She toured with concerts in Armenia and abroad. Her students are laureates of prestigious international competitions (Italy, Slovakia, Greece, Belgium, Moscow, Malta, etc.). She possesses a number of diplomas and certificates of merit.


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How to Cite

Khachatryan З. А. (2024). Some Problems of the Specificities of Accompanist Art. Musical Armenia, 64(1), 96–100. Retrieved from