“Musical perception of space as a form of virtual mentality”


  • Mikhail Artem Kokzhaev Yerevan State Conservatory


perception of music, audience, musical process, spatial dimensions


Professor of YSC, PhD Candidate, Composer Mikhail Artem Kokzhaev. - “Musical perception of space as a form of virtual mentality”. The author deals with musical perception, listening experience, interpretation of this work, performers and performing arts, artistic value, sound, melody, homophonic harmony, polyphony and their relationships. Also deals with the interaction of these issues from the viewpoint of musical perception of space and consider each one as a particular problem and at the same showing that they are interconnected with each other. He consider a musical perception as a magnificent phenomenon.

Author Biography

Mikhail Artem Kokzhaev, Yerevan State Conservatory

(born 20.V.1946 in Baku), the prominent Armenian composer graduated from the Baku conservatory (1971), trained at Yu. A. Fortunatov (Moscow). Received degree of tPhD in the State Institute of Art Studies of the Russian Federation (2007). He has a thesis - "Instrumental concerts of Alexander Harutyunyan". Professor of the YSC. (1998). Author of musical compositions of various styles and genres: 5 symphonies, a number of instrumental concerts with orchestra, orchestral plays, 3 string quartets, chamber and ensemble, choral, vocal, piano and other works. "To the Martyrs" - the play for string band of memory of the victims of tragic events of 1988, was repeatedly performed also abroad. "The bell will never silenced" - the piano play of memory of the victims of genocide of Armenians of 1915. It was performed at the memorable concert of institute of arts NAS of Armenia devoted to the 100th anniversary of genocide. "LUX AETERNA" - the poem requiem for symphonic orchestra and chorus on initial Latin texts, memories of the victims of genocide of Armenians of 1915. He is the author of a number of scientific works, among them - the monographs: "Topology of musical space" (M.: Composer, 2004); "Alexander Harutyunyan. Features of composer style" (M.: Composer, 2006). It is conferred the First award at tender of Aram Khachaturian on the best cello concert (1993). Works K. are performed in Yerevan, Tbilisi, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Odessa, Chisinau, Riga, Vilnius, Baku; In France, Holland, Germany, South Korea, Israel, Canada. Works are published (including - CD) in Yerevan, Moscow; Switzerland, Germany, USA. Honored worker of arts of the Republic of Armenia (2015), member (academician) of the European academy of natural sciences (2011).



How to Cite

Kokzhaev М. А. (2018). “Musical perception of space as a form of virtual mentality”. Musical Armenia, 1(54), 58–60. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/29