About the Journal

International Scientific Magazine “YERAZHSHTAKAN HAYASTAN” (MUSICAL ARMENIA)
Founder – YEREVAN STATE KOMITAS CONSERVATORY State Non-profit Organization Carrying out Information Activities. Registration certificate N03A 059505 of 07.04.2003.
The scientific, theoretical, critical, and journalistic magazine “YERAZHSHTAKAN HAYASTAN” was approved by the Academic Council of the YSC and founded in 1996.
The first issue came out in 1998. In its early years, the magazine was published four times a year; later, it was published twice a year.
The magazine is approved by the Ministry of Justice as a multilingual journal publishing original texts. It is the official edition of the Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory.
Since 2013, alongside the title «ԵՐԱԺՇՏԱԿԱՆ ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆ» (“YERAZHSHTAKAN HAYASTAN”), the names “Musical Armenia” and “Музыкальная Армения” in English and Russian, respectively, shall be admissible.
The magazine enjoys authority not only in Armenian professional circles, but also in the Diaspora and abroad, due to its regular coverage of important events and discussions on a wide range of issues.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 (2023): Musical Armenia
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