Common Features in the works of Giacinto Schelsi and Avet Terteryan, dichotomous categories of creative and destructive forces


  • Mariam Harutyun Asatryan


Giacinto Scelsi, Avet Terteryan, creation and destruction


The article discusses the common features of two great composers: the Italian composer Giacinto Schelsi (19051988) and Avet Terrteryan (1929-1994). It is presented through the comparison of the main features of their musical style and aesthetics. In the article, the author mainly focuses on two types of works reflecting the categories of creative and destructive forces and their musical formulation, which are represented mainly in small- and large-scale orchestral works.

Author Biography

Mariam Harutyun Asatryan

She has graduated from the Department of Musicology at the Yerevan State Conservatory and from the Master course at the University of Pavia, Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage (Italy). She is also graduated from the PhD course of the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. She taught at the Yerevan Conservatory and worked at the Musical Armenia magazine. She is a member of GATM, the association of musicologists working on musical analysis. The field of her professional research are musical styles, compositional methods, aesthetical and philosophical views of the composers of XX century. She takes part to many European conferences (in Italy, Serbia, Ireland, Denmark) and publishes researchs in various foreign publications.


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How to Cite

Asatryan М. А. (2022). Common Features in the works of Giacinto Schelsi and Avet Terteryan, dichotomous categories of creative and destructive forces. Musical Armenia, (1), 98–103. Retrieved from


