“Some general principles and methods for the improvement of violinist's sound”


  • Luiza Avetiq Matevosyan Yerevan State Conservatory


sound extraction, dynamics, vibrato, agogics, articulation


This article presents some of the techniques for improving the violinist's performance masterpieces, describing performance-related questions, the sound quality, the intensification of the most important expression of artistic expression, which is accomplished through the means of performing art, first of all, the sound, the dynamics, the vibration of vibe, artworks, and barcodes. Characteristics of sound reproduction, violin sound quality, and vibration are the basis of sound and rhythm sounds during the creation of individual beads based on the right arch.

Author Biography

Luiza Avetiq Matevosyan, Yerevan State Conservatory

Art candidate, docent of YSC.She ended the Orchestral faculty of YSC class of V. O.Mokatsyan (1970). Pedagogue of YMS #9, methodologist on string instruments of Methodical study of MK RA after P. Chaikovski(director L.S. Gindzburg, V. Yu. Grigorev). She has a dissertation on the subject "Violin Concerts of the Armenian Composers and Questions of Their Interpretation" (The Academic Council of LGK of N. Rimsky-Korsakov). Since 1990 she has been a teacher of the Department of history and the theory of performing art of YSC, and conducts courses of lectures in subjects: "Technique of training in playing string instruments" and "History and theory of stringed art". Scientific works: methodical grant "Questions of a technique of work on violin concerts of the Armenian composers"., Yer.: Luis., 1987., Problems of violin performance., / Collection of musicological works #1., Yer.: Komitas., 2000; Neoclassical tendencies in E. Oganesyan's concert baroque., /Collection of musicological works #2., Yer.: Komitas., 2003; From history of one creative friendship (A.Khachaturian and A. Hrutyunyan)., /Aram Khachaturian and music of the 20th century., Yer.: Archesh., 2003; About a violin concert of A.Babadzanyan., /to A. Babadzhanyan (Page 84-96); Leonid Kogan and his contribution to development of the Armenian violin art., /materials of the international scientific conference "Dialogue of cultures. Armenian-Russian cultural ties" (Page 82-86); The Performing intoning in connection with disclosure of lado features of the Armenian music., /Bulletin of Yerevan state conservatory after Komitas science teaching frticles #8-9.2. 2011-2012, Yer.: YSC publishing house., 2013. (P. 114-131); Violin concert of A. Khachatryan and methodical analysis of its execution., /coll. articles materials of the international scientific conference "Aram Khachatryan & the Contemporary World"., Page 122-137.,Yer.: Tigran Mets., 2014. New creative fulfillment.,//Musical Armenia #2 (6) 2002; Memories of the great master (about the concert devoted to A. I. Khachatryan).,//Musical Armenia #3-4 (10-11) 2003; The Orbit of his life (to the 80 anniversary perf. act. art, prof. A. O.Shamshyan),//Musical Armenia #1 (12) 2004; The Way to the listener (about violin concerts of R. Sargsyan).,//Musical Armenia #3-4 (14-15) 2004; To the 80th anniversary of the prof. Elza Samson Apresovoa.,//Musical Armenia #1 (16) 2005; The Nice way (to E. Dayan's 75th anniversary).,//Musical Armenia #4 (6) 2005., (Page 72-77); Listening to young actors.,//Musical Armenia #1 (24) 2007 (Pages 73-74); Vaghram Saradzyan - the worthy follower of traditions of school of M. Rostropovich.,//Musical Armenia #2 (6) 2002 (Pages 78-82); The Vast world of images (to the 55th anniversary of creative activity nat.art.of RA Medea Abramyan ).,//Musical Armenia #2 (25) 2007 (Pages 5-9); In harmony with music (Martin Yavryan and Anahit Nersisyan).,//Musical Armenia #1 (26) 2008 (Pages 83); Life for art (to the 75th anniversary of art. RA, prof. G. A. Smbatyan).,//Musical Armenia #4 (35) 2009; The Poet of music (to the 40th anniversary of creation act.in a quartet of Komitas nat. art. of RA E.Z.Tadevosyana).,//Musical Armenia #1 (36) 2010 (Pages 6-10); Skill Lessons.,//Musical Armenia #3 (38) 2010 (P. 7-10). Concert for a violin and orchestra Geguni Chichtyan.,//Musical Armenia #3 (34) 2010 (Pages 4-8). M. is the author about 30 articles published in the republican press. Repeatedly participated in republican (2000) and international scientific conferences: teachers and trainees-researchers (1991), teachers and graduate students of YSC (1994, texts of scientific reports are published).


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Григорьев В. Ю., Проблемы звукоизвлечения на скрипке., М.: Мин.культ., 1991. Grigor’ev V. U.,Problemy zvukoizvlecheniya na skripke., M.: in.kul’t.,1991.

Григорьев В. Ю., Некоторые черты педагогической системы Д. Ф. Ойстраха., М.: Музыка., 1991.Grigor’ev V. U., Nekotorye cherty pedagogicheskoj sistemy D. F. Ojstrakha., M.: Muzyka., 1991.

Мострас К., Интонация на скрипке., М.-Л.: Госмузизд., 1948. Mostras K., Intonatziya na skripke., M.L.: Gosmuzizd., 1948



How to Cite

Matevosyan Л. А. (2017). “Some general principles and methods for the improvement of violinist’s sound”. Musical Armenia, 2(53), 66–70. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/244